What is the Red Wolf Company?
It is a dynamic guild where members can participate in events to help grow the guild. It is all organic and all resources that are collected on missions will be noted and be kept organized so that every member can see what the Company has and what it is lacking.
Our current goal is expansion through organic rp, gathering supplies, building up the Red Wolf HQ and bolstering our strength.
The Company is made up of average people that are within the Elder Scrolls universe who are trying to survive and live in a world full of war, magic, death and splendor. We do not have godlike power nor abilities that could rival the daedra. As characters grow and contribute, they will be rewarded by gaining ranks, unique rewards and power. Just remember that the more rp you have and the more events you go to, the more your characters will grow for the better or for the worse.
We are all trying to have fun, so please keep in mind that anything involving another player’s character will need consent, especially when it involves serious harm or death. Also keep in mind that every action does have a consequence, be it good or bad. If your character breaks a rule, they must be punished accordingly. If your character proves that they have gone above and beyond in the field, they will be rewarded.