Martial abilities are the skills that one uses their body to achieve, such as swords, bows or even their fists
These are like spells in that they cost a resource to use the abilities, and that resource is STAMINA. However basic things like simply attacking without using an ability does not cost any form of resource.
Generally abilities do the following damage, unless otherwise specified on the ability itself.
Novice - 2 stamina, 1 damage
Apprentice - 3 stamina, 3 damage
Adept - 4 stamina, 5 damage
Expert - 5 stamina, 7 damage
Master - 6 stamina, 9 damage
Like the use of learning spells, your character MUST learn three abilities of the level you are at before you gain a level, like magic skills. Therefore, you must know 3 novice martial skills to become an apprentice, 3 apprentice to become an adept, etc.
Martial skills and abilities are divided into five main categories; One handed, Two handed, Unarmed, Marksmanship and Throwing.
One-handed Weapons: This includes things such as swords, daggers, or hand axes, and shorter spears. In short, it is anything that is designed to be used with one hand, also allows the usage of a shield if applicable.
Two-handed Weapons: This includes weapons such as greatswords, great axes and warhammers as well as things like scythes and longer polearms. Any weapon that cannot be used efficiently with one hand and is a melee weapon is included here. Shields also cannot be used well with this skill
Unarmed: This skill involves the use of damage without any weapons such as martial arts using the hands and feet as well as specialized unarmed weapons such as knuckle-weapons.
Marksmanship: This skill is for any and all kinds of ranged weapon that requires another object then your body to propel a projectile. This includes things such as bows, crossbows and slings. Gunpowder weaponry such as cannons and rifles might also fall into this category.
Throwing: Anything that you would use your hands to throw. Weapons include anything from rocks and broken bottles to throwing knives and axes. Potions/poisons and Bombs do not use this skill to determine throwing as they use the Alchemy and Chemistry skills, respectively
Martial Abilities
Once you reach Master level in one of your weapon skills, you can choose one of three special abilities.
Please Choose One!