Novice Spells
Apprentice Spells
Adept Spells
Expert Spells
Master Spells
Tiered Spells
Community Created Spells
Necromantic Creations
A key feature of Necromancy involves being able to create your own necromantic constructs. There are two types of raised undead: permanent companions and temporary allies. Every necromantic creation must be fueled by soul gems. Temporary allies only need white souls gems, while black soul gems are used for the more intelligent and permanent necromantic creations. Undead allies and constructs take DOUBLE fire damage and all restoration based healing HURTS THEM instead.
Temporary companions are those that you raise during a combat scenario. They are generally dumber than the permanent ones and die as soon as the combat situation is over or when the spell ends, whichever comes first. You can equate them to meat shields. They do not have stamina and take every single hit thrown at them.
As to permanent companions, they are those constructs that are made and fashioned in the Necromancer’s lab. Creations that are detailed and constructed for specific purposes. You may only have ONE permanent companion at events. Keep in mind that these permanent companions may be more intelligent than their temporary cousins, but that doesn’t make them invulnerable. If they are attacked, they may be killed and parts of the creation may be destroyed. You will also be required to make a list of what bones, flesh, body parts and materials that your character used to make the creation. Remember that making an rp event to gather the supplies is encouraged! More rp is good!
Stats for Temporary Allies
Novice undead ally
Health: 4
Petty soul gem
Apprentice undead ally
Health: 6
Lesser soul gem
Adept undead ally
Health: 8
Common soul gem
Expert undead ally
Health: 10
Greater soul gem
Master undead ally
Health: 12
Grand soul gem
Stats for Permanent Creations
As the creator of the construct, you are able to allocate a certain amount of attribute points to either health or stamina! A raised construct does NOT have any magicka, so they cannot resist effects of spells. Though this is a crutch, they do not have a mind of their own, so they are IMMUNE to psychic damage.
Novice: 8 points
Cannot wield weapons and they deal 1 physical damage
Petty soul gem
Apprentice: 12 points
Can wield basic weaponry like melee weapons and they deal 3 physical damage
Lesser soul gem
Adept: 16 points
Can wield melee and ranged weaponry and they deal 5 physical damage
Common soul gem
Expert: 20 points
Can receive complex orders and do not require their master to be present to perform tasks. They are not intelligent, so they only perform exactly what they are told to do. They deal 7 physical damage.
Black soul gem
Master: 24 points
A set of instructions can be infused into the creation. They will follow those orders to the letter and do not need their master to perform given tasks and those sets of instructions. They deal 9 physical damage.
Black soul gem