In the Elder Scrolls Universe, there are several other 'schools' of magic that are not like the ones you can learn by reading a spell tome. These include Shadowmancy, Lichdom, the Thu'um, Witchcraft, Tonal Architecture, and Sleeping. You may NOT start off with these skills and only through very specific events, quests and deals with Daedric forces. I will explain each powerful category of magic in this section. If you want your character to learn one of these, please contact the GM or an Officer.

Shadowmancy, also known as Umbramancy, came into being when Namira poisoned Lorkhan during creation. Azura, lover of Lorkhan, healed the God of Creation and the poison that was in His heart formed from the darkness and became the Shadow known as Nocturnal. Nocturnal is the first Shadowmancer and the embodiment of the idea of the spell school. Elder Scrolls lore dictates that shadows are glimpses into alternate realities of infinite possibilities. A Shadowmancer is able to manipulate these infinite possibilities to force change in their reality. An Umbramancer can effectively warp reality to his or her desires, though the continued glimpsing into these infinite reality destroys the mind of said caster. We only allow a select few who are experienced rpers that have an intricate knowledge of Elder Scrolls lore to learn Shadow spells because your character WILL go insane eventually. The more spells learned from the school leads to a quicker, maddening end. Sheogorath WILL take your character's soul when they inevitably get themselves killed, either by their own hands or by the hands of those that will put them down out of mercy.

Lichdom has always been in the Elder Scrolls universe since Molag Bal introduced undeath to Mundus, though Mannimarco was the first to share the secrets of lichdom to his followers. These creatures were once mortals that split their souls into a vessel called a phylactery so that their mortal body remains tied to Nirn even if the body perishes, effectively regenerating that body over a period of time. Due to them removing their own soul, they lose the ability to feel anything but pain and agony. Only Master Necromancers can attempt to become a Lich, but due to their immense magical prowess and near immortality, we do NOT allow ANYONE to become a Lich. Not even the Officers or the GM are allowed. These beings can destroy cities and raise armies of the undead... and they always come back. Their phylacteries are usually hidden so well that no one will be able to find it. There is no way to find out where it is, even through Mysticism and peering into the Lich's mind. They have innate magical resistances and are undead, so mind spells will not work. Again, they are some of the most powerful beings on Nirn that being able to play one will not only potentially destroy Nirn, but the player rping as them will forfeit their character's identity for an emotionless creature that only wants more and more power, even if it means killing and raising their former friends. They lack all sympathy.
The Thu'um

The Thu'um literally means Shout in the dragon tongue. This magic originates from Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time. Dragons are his offspring and used this magic to help Lorkhan shape the World Bones, or the pillars of creation, so that Mundus and all of the laws of nature could be sustained. I assume that most have played TESV: Skyrim, so most know of the game mechanics behind Shouting. The games do not do this magic justice. Speaking words in the Voice literally create things out of nothing. Unlike other magic spells, Shouts do not require magicka, so it is a CREATION magic. We do allow characters to learn how to Shout, but it takes several years to learn a single Shout, and the Greybeards are the only ones that are able to teach it. It is likely that those allowed to learn the Thu'um will only learn one shout in their lifetime.

Witchcraft is very very different from spell schools. Witches and Warlocks make pacts with Daedric Princes in which they give the Prince their soul and devotion in order to gain a sliver of the Prince's power. Witchcraft is used to create powerful rituals and potions that alter the very fabric of a mortal. Even lycanthropy was created through the Glenmoril Coven worshipping Hircine and asking Him to sanctify the strongest warriors to protect them. Keep in mind that huge power comes a forfeit of your character's future. As soon as the witch or warlock runs out of usefulness for the Prince, They will come and take your character's soul. Any who wish to make a blood pact with a Prince must understand that there is no way to revert or take back the pact. Once you offer your soul willingly, you cannot get it back.
Tonal Architecture

Tonal Architecture is the unique magic of the Dwemer race. It has been lost to time, though many Architects left records and hints as to how their metal never ages nor rusts, how their caverns held despite no structural integrity and how they developed such technological advancements. What is this magic? It is the use of sounds to shape the laws of nature.
The Dwemer discovered that Nirn itself has a tone. or song. This song can be manipulated with instruments and tones to reshape the world. The dwarves were able to eliminate time and oxidization from their metal, dwarven metal, that is one of the strongest (yet heaviest) and most magic resistant metals to have ever graced Mundus.
Due to this immense, potentially world breaking power, only a select few will even be able to delve into Tonal Architecture, and even then, it will not be used to progress plot points unless the player and the event GM speak and plan accordingly.

Sleeping is a subcategory of Tonal Architecture that Dagoth Ur created before he was destroyed by Almalexia of the Tribunal. Like Tonal magic, Sleepers (those that practice Sleeping) use songs to manipulate the dreams of people, known as Dreamers. Anyone can be a Dreamer, but the Sleeper must learn said person's unique song. Like Nirn, which has a unique tone, all creatures that have a soul (so undead are unaffected) have a unique song. Once played, they are plunged into an involuntary sleep and become Dreamers. The Elder Scrolls universe has a single law that trumps all other laws: the Law of Belief. Belief makes reality. If enough people believe in something, then the universe warps and shifts to accommodate the belief of the majority. This is how Sleepers change reality: they put people to Sleep and then shape their Dreams to make people believe in something. Sleepers must also be aware that this spell school is intrinsically linked to Dagoth Ur himself. If your character continues down the path of Sleeping, they will eventually gain a literal third eye on their forehead and can potentially draw the ire of the dead Dagoth Ur, who still has his Ascendant Sleepers, creatures who were created for the sole purpose of mass Sleeping. Your character will always have the potential of waking a nightmare and disassociating after several Sleeping sessions. Who can dscern between a Dream and reality when both are real in the Sleeper's eyes? Due to the potentially world breaking power, only a select few with intimate knowledge of Elder Scrolls lore will have the opportunity to learn this magic. You will also be required to learn the ins and outs of Sleeping from the GM directly to make sure that nothing is misinterpreted. If you have any questions about these unique schools of magic, please contact a @Helper, @Officer or @GM on the Discord server.