New Recruit
Those who have recently joined the Red Wolf Company and have not proven themselves worthy just yet are given this rank. They are on the bottom of the totem pole. To ascend the ranks, effort is required. As the Matron of the Red Wolves has dictated: "...there is no room for the lazy in my fortress. You must pull your own weight or be left behind."
Have an introductory rp with Mala'Dashil or one of the Helpers.
Have a Character Sheet posted on the forums. It must be reviewed by an officer or helper.
Participate in at least 1 rp event.
Participate in at least 1 rp once a week.
Have at least two weeks of active participation. (This rule may apply differently to people in a given circumstance. If you have issues with this, contact an officer and they will work with you on a valid replacement for rank advancement.)
If you feel like your character deserves to be promoted, please contact an officer so that they can review the requirements with you! The officers WILL NOT hunt you down for promotions!
Initiates have proven that they are no ordinary mercenaries. They have shown their dedication to the Red Wolf Company and have proven that they are an asset to be used. They are allowed access to certain information not privy to the public and will be tested even more in the upcoming weeks and months.
5 attribute points
Run one contract for the Red Wolves (This can be a mini-rp event or Mission Board mission DMing)
Post one mission on the mission board or take one mission on the mission board
Be a part of one combat rp (character)
Been an Initiate for 4 weeks and active rp participation (character)
Agents are the experienced veterans of the Company. They have shown that they not only can be trusted to complete tasks, but they also have put the Company before their own wants and needs.
Rewards (Choose 2 of the following):
1 additional consumable slot
3 attribute points
Gain 6 skill tokens. 1 token equals 1 full week of time. They can be used to reduce the time for learning abilities and spells.