In this forum thread, you can make a character sheet! This includes basic background information about your character, the equipment they have, character skills, spells and abilities and the current spells/abilities that your character is learning.
Serrated Edge: As an action, deal damage equal to the ability level. This attack causes the target to Bleed, suffering an additional 2 damage for 1 turn per ability level. (Two-Handed) (All levels)
Serrated Shot: As an action, deal damage equal to the ability level. This attack causes the target to Bleed, suffering an additional 2 damage for 1 turn per ability level. (Throwing.) (All levels)
Incendiary Shot: As an action, fire a flame infused shot up to your maximum range which unleashes a burst of flame damage. This damages the target per damage equal to your level as well as causing 1 point of burning damage for the current turn and the next. At Adept and higher, it also causes the same elemental damage type to do 1 increased damage for the duration. (Throwing) (All Levels)
Multishot: As an action, you fire multiple projectiles at a single foe, one strike per level of skill, each attack dealing 2 damage. Each individual strike is considered as a separate apprentice-level attack for the purposes of blocking, dodging, and damage increases and reductions. (Throwing) (All Levels)
Thousand Cuts: You strike a target with a flurry of quick blows, one strike per level of skill, each attack dealing 2 damage. Each individual strike is considered as a separate apprentice-level attack for the purposes of blocking, dodging, and damage increases and reductions. (One-handed, Two-handed, Unarmed) (All Levels)
Cleave: After striking a foe with your weapon, you follow it up and attack an adjacent foe, dealing damage equal to the level of the ability. The target cannot be the same one as the original target. (Two-Handed) (Apprentice)
Exhausting Strike: As an action, deal damage equal to the level of the ability. For 3 turns, the target’s ability to block or dodge increases by one point per level. At an additional cost of 2 stamina per ability level, this ability affects all enemies within melee range. (Two-Handed) (Adept)
Illusion Magick
Illusion (Mind Affecting)
Level: Novice
Casting Time: 1 Swift Action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 2 turns Resistance: Dodge (Stamina), Will Negate (Magicka) A bladeweave spell imbues your melee attacks with a fascinating pattern or rhythm that entrances your opponent. The spell itself deals no damage.Instead, anyone successfully struck by the affected weapon must negate it through Will or be Dazed for one turn. A dazed opponent cannot take action.
Bewildering Visions
Illusion (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Novice
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 25 ft
Duration: 2 turns
Resistance: Dodge (Stamina), Will Negate (Magicka) The caster envelopes a target in sickened disorientation.This spell makes the world appear to be tossing and rippling in a nauseating manner. The subject is sickened and nauseated for the duration of the spell. While nauseated the target cannot take action. Affected targets can expend Magicka in the following turn to negate the spell.
Illusion (Mind-Affecting])
Level: Novice
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 100 ft
Duration: 2-6 Turns based on level Saving Throw:
Will negates Resistance: Dodge (Stamina), Will Negate (Magicka) This spell calms agitated creatures. You have no control over the affected creatures, but calm emotions can stop raging creatures from fighting or joyous ones from reveling. Creatures so affected cannot take violent actions (although they can defend themselves) or do anything destructive. Any aggressive action against or damage dealt to a calmed creature immediately breaks the spell on all calmed creatures.
Illusion (Glamor)
Level: Apprentice
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch Target:
Creature Touched Duration: 3 turns The subject's form appears blurred, shifting and wavering. This distortion grants the subject an increased chance of evading incoming attacks. Caster rolls a 1d2 against incoming attacks. A roll of 2 evades the incoming attack at no stamina cost. A See Invisibility spell does not counteract the Blur effect, but a True Seeing spell does. Opponents that cannot see the subject ignore the spell's effect.
Illusion (Glamor)
Level: Apprentice
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch Target: Creature touched
Duration: 3 Turns The subject of this spell appears to be about 2 feet away from its true location. The creature benefits from a 50% miss chance as if it had total concealment. When targeted by a single target attack or ability/spell roll a 1d2. A roll of 2 successfully evaded the incoming attack. Area of Effect attacks, spells and abilities are unaffected.
Hood of the Cobra
Illusion (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Apprentice
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 25ft
Duration: 3 Turns Resistance: Dodge (Stamina), Will Negate (Magicka) In the mind of your victim, the hood of a king cobra spreads from your head, neck, and back, your eyes become those of a great serpent, and dripping fangs sprout from your jaws. The subject perceives that you have grown serpentine features, including a cobra's hood, a snake's slitted eyes, and venomous fangs. A successful Will Negation allows the subject to recognize the illusion as unreal, which ends the spell's effect. However, if the Will save is not made the subject is Shaken for as long as he can see you. Targets who are Shaken cannot focus and must roll a 1d2 on all attack attempts. A roll of 1 causes the attack to miss. Closing his eyes negates this effect but also effectively blinds him. In addition, a melee against the target during the spell's duration deals 1 point of Psychic damage added to your melee damage, believed by the subject to be venom coursing through their veins from a vicious “bite”
Illusion (Glamor)
Level: Adept
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched Duration: 2 turns +1 turn/level (1 hour +1hour/level Out of Combat) This spell alters the coloration of the recipient's body and clothing so as to blend in with the surrounding background, granting the affected subject an increased chance to evade detection. The chameleon spell does NOT function as invisibility. It does not offer full invisibility . It will not break by taking action. Subject under the effect of Chameleon must roll a 1d2 for every enemy turn. A roll of 2 allows the subject to remain undetected for that round.
Equipment: Leather armor, (2) scimitars, (1) vial of poison, (2) healing potions, a belt of throwing knives (4), (2) lockpicks, a length of rope
Enchantment: Once per event Telepatic Aura - (20 minutes Duration | 100 ft radius around caster | Self | Action) - You can telepathically communicate with allies within the range of the spell. This is a one way communication, so creature won't be able to respond.
Serrated Edge: As an action, deal damage equal to the ability level. This attack causes the target to Bleed, suffering an additional 2 damage for 1 turn per ability level. (One-Handed, Two-Handed, Unarmed) (Novice)
Leg Sweep: You sweep the leg and knock the target prone, causing damage and causing the foe to lose their turn. (All Skills) (Novice)
Bash: You bash your enemy with the hilt of your weapon, your shield or even your fists, causing the target to take a bit of damage and be off balance for a single turn, causing all attacks against the target to be increased by one for that round. The amount of damage caused by the bash itself depends on the level of the skill (All Skills) (Novice)
No Quarter!: When a foe attempts to withdraw from battle and is within your line of sight, you fire a fast strike to halt their movement. This deals 1 point of damage and reduces the foe’s movement by 10 feet per level of the ability (Marksman, Throwing) (Novice)
Assassin's Shot:
Leather Armour (Novice): Increases Max Stamina by & Stamina Regeneration by 1.
Scimitar (one-handed).
Small crossbow and a few basic, mundane bolts which he keeps in a small leather pouch attached to his belt (Marksmanship).
Racial: Maormer (+1 stamina, +1 magicka, Sea Pirates [+1 movement when wet, operate a ship without training)
Were-creature: +1 stamina regen, +8 health in werecroc form, +8 stamina in were-croc form. (+6 health and stamina from base werecreature, +2 health and stamina from werecroc)
Jewelry: Circlet (Copper Circlet of the Apprentice Pugilist; -1 cost to end stagger effect, +1 duration and -1 cost to unarmed martial abilities, +1 cost of non-unarmed martial abilities)
Combat and Non-Combat skills:
Combat Skills
Unarmed: Apprentice
One-handed: Novice
Nature Magic: Apprentice
Non-Combat Skills
Martial Skills:
Unarmed: Apprentice (Adept when transformed)
Novice (Cost 1)
Leg Sweep: You sweep the leg and knock the target prone, causing damage and the foe to lose their turn.
No Escape!: When a foe attempts to move out of your melee range, you deliver a fast strike, halting their movement. This deals one physical damage and reduces the foe's movement by 10 feet per level of the ability.
Dual Strike: You strike the same target twice as a single action. This deals basic damage twice plus 1 additional damage per level. However, it leaves you open to attacks, causing your ability to dodge and block cost an additional point of stamina for one turn.
Apprentice (Cost 2)
One-Handed: Novice
Novice (Cost 3)
No Escape!: When a foe attempts to move out of your melee range, you deliver a fast strike, halting their movement. This deals 1 point of damage, and reduces the foe’s movement by 10 feet per level of the ability
Nature Magic - Apprentice
Novice (Cost 2)
Beastmask(action, touch, 1 creature, 5minutes) Grants the creatre a nature blessing. All natural animals are calm around them for the duration. They still will defend themselves if necessary.
Create Water (action, 25ft, 5ft cube, 1 turn) You condense water from the air to generate clean drinking water. You can choose where the water will condense and can manipulate it for a turn.
Druidcraft(action, self, self, instant) You can create a harmless sensory effect, make a flower bloom, predict the weather in the area for the next 24 hours, or light or snuff out candles/torches/small campfires.
Apprentice (Cost 3)
Werecreature Details
Suthrys refers to the were-croc as Ametrine or Amet due to her purple and gold eyes. SutAmet is the transformed RP name of the transformed state, though sometimes it will simply be Amet or Ametrine when the croc is in more control than Suthrys.
More information about werecreatures can be found in the appropriate thread.
Base Werecreature
Dark Metamorphosis - Transforming takes one full turn, and is extremely painful. They gain 6 points of additional health and stamina in beast form, as well as +1/turn stamina regeneration.
Bestial Strength - When transformed, gain Adept unarmed skill, or +1 tier of unarmed skill if Adept or greater. Additionally, attacks may knock foes back 2 spaces.
Bloodlust - Were-creatures must always contend with a bloodlust and the endless desire to hunt. This can be resisted and controlled with practise. Gorging on a fresh victim in beast form restores 2 points of health.
Beast Allies - Animals of the were's type may not attack the were, and they may hunt with them if they are so inclined. Additionally, a werecreature may attempt to call a beast of their type to assist them in battle if the area would naturally have such creatures. There is a 25% chance of success, and the called creature acts as a pet controlled by you.
Enhanced Stamina - Restore an additional point of stamina in both were-beast and base form.
Weakness to Silver - Werecreatures suffer a horrible weakness to silver, taking 2x damage from silver in both forms.
Weakness to Poison - Poison is deadly to werecreatures and will effect them twice as much as an ordinary person. In both forms. Werebeasts take 2x more damage from poison and poison based spells. Poisons with canis root, belladonna, or wolf’s bane deal 3x damage instead of 2x damage. Poison damage ignores defense bonuses gained from werebeast passives. (cancelled by Were-croc creature type)
No Restful Sleep - Werecreatures hold the spirit of a beast within themselves. They are never alone, and their sleep is constantly restless due to this. Again, the werecreature may learn to live with this, but it is not something that goes away.
Animal Detection - Animals will be able to tell that the person is a werecreature and will act strangely around them. Be careful being in towns or cities, as their curse may be detected if someone realizes why all the animals are suddenly acting strangely around you.
Immunity to Disease - Werebeasts are cursed forevermore by Hircine’s taint. They are immune to disease and disease based abilities and damage.
Nature's Wrath - Werebeasts are susceptible to nature spells designed to halt or control werebeasts. These spells can be resisted, but the danger is always present.
Boat: The Enchanted Beryl - A fishing/house boat that Suthrys lives on. It is small enough she is able to operate it alone. It can ferry a few passengers (but not large amounts of cargo). It is outfitted with the basics of what is needed for Suthrys to live on and fish off of it. It also contains her enchanting and jeweler's tools.
Circlet with gem (Copper Circlet of the Apprentice Pugilist; -1 cost to end stagger effect, +1 duration and -1 cost to unarmed martial abilities, +1 cost of non-unarmed martial abilities)
Cutlass (mundane, steel)
Dagger (mundane, steel)
Belt Pouches: 2 apprentice health potions, 1 petty soul gem, jeweler's lens, spyglass
Learning Log
Control Current (Apprentice Nature Magic) Start 6/26/2023, End 7/10/2023
Jeweler (Apprentice to Adept) Start 6/26/2023, End 8/7/2023
Leg Sweep: You sweep the leg and knock the target prone, causing damage and causing the foe to lose their turn. (Novice) (2 Stamina, 1 Damage)
Wounded Fury: As an action, deal damage equal to your level. If you are at or below half health (not counting temporary health), deal an additional point of damage per skill level starting +3 damage and maxing out at +7 at the highest level. (Novice) (2 Stamina, 1+3 Damage)
Cloak and Dagger: You attack a foe that is unaware of your presence, dealing your basic attack damage +1 per level of skill. At adept level and higher it also causes a target to be staggered for one turn. (Novice) (2 Stamina, 1+1 Damage)
Bash: You bash your enemy with the hilt of your weapon, your shield or even your fists, causing the target to take a bit of damage and be off balance for a single turn, causing all attacks against the target to be increased by one for that round. The amount of damage caused by the bash itself depends on the level of the skill. (Novice) (2 Stamina)
Jump them!: You attempt to tackle a foe, knocking them prone and grappling them at the same time. The initial attack deals damage equal to the level of the ability, and the foe must expend stamina to the cost to normally dodge or block to escape the grapple/prone. You may deal damage to the target each turn equal to your unarmed skill until they break the hold. (Apprentice) (3 Stamina, 2 Damage)
Parry: You block your opponent's attack then counter attack in the same turn doing damage equal to that level. However you cannot block an attack more then one level higher then the level of your Parry. (Apprentice) (3 Stamina, 2 Damage Up to Adept Attacks)
Spell List
Work in progress
Werebear Form
Name: Lioness
Total Health: 14
Base Health: 8
Werelion: +6 Health
Total Stamina: 18
Base Stamina: 10
Redguard: +2 Stamina
Werelion: +6 Stamina
Total Magicka: 10
Base Magicka: 8
Cloth Armor: +2 Magicka
Werelion: Move 2 extra space per turn
Damage Resistance: 1 point reduction to physical damage
Basic Skills
Dark Metamorphosis: Transforming takes one full turn to perform and you cannot attack in the same turn you’ve transformed. The heart for any werebeast transforms first, meaning vast amounts of pain in the chest when transforming. It’s not a fun thing to go through. But it isn’t all pain and no gain. Werebeasts gain 6 points extra health and stamina, and take 1 point of reduced damage from all physical attacks in their werebeast form.
Beastial Strength: In werebeast form gain Adept Unarmed skill level, or plus 1 tier of unarmed skill level if already adept or above in unarmed. Your attacks are strong enough to throw foes back up to 2 spaces away.
Bloodlust: Werecreatures will have a constant bloodlust which must be resisted in human form. They can learn to live with this bloodlust and have it in the backgrounds of their minds eventually. But it will always be there, and always wants to hunt. However gorging yourself on the flesh of a fresh victim in beast form will restore 2 health per turn.
Beast Allies: Animals of that were’s type might not attack your character, and may hunt with the werecreature if they are so inclined to. As a standard action a werecreature can attempt to call a beast of its type to aid it in battle assuming such creatures naturally exist in area at 25% success rate (Roll 1d4). The summoned creature will count as a pet companion controlled by you.
Enhanced Stamina: Werebeasts restore an additional 1 point of stamina per turn in werewolf and humanoid form.
Weakness to Silver: Werecreatures have a horrible weakness to silver in both their forms, much as vampires do. Werebeasts take 2x more damage from silver weaponry.
Weakness to Poison: Poison is deadly to werecreatures and will effect them twice as much as an ordinary person. In both forms. Werebeasts take 2x more damage from poison and poison based spells. Poisons with canis root, belladonna, or wolf’s bane deal 3x damage instead of 2x damage. Poison damage ignores defense bonuses gained from werebeast passives.
No Restful Sleep: Werecreatures hold the spirit of a beast within themselves. They are never alone, and their sleep is constantly restless due to this. Again, the werecreature may learn to live with this, but it is not something that goes away.
Animal Dectection: Animals will be able to tell that the person is a werecreature and will act strangely around them. Be careful being in towns or cities, as their curse may be detected if someone realizes why all the animals are suddenly acting strangely around you. There are exceptions to this based on the type of werecreature you are.
Immunity to Disease: Werebeasts are cursed forevermore by Hircine’s taint. They are immune to disease and disease based abilities and damage.
Nature's Wrath: Werebeasts are susceptible to nature spells designed to halt or control werebeasts. These spells can be resisted, but the danger is always present.
Fur Armor (novice) - increases stamina regeneration by 1 & increases max magicka by 2
Racial Bonuses: Orismer (+2 to health and Promised of Malacath)
Promised of Malacath: reduce all damage taken by 2 for 2 turns. (Can only be used once a day)
Werebear: -1 point of Damage from all Sources
Werebear: 2x damage from silver weaponry.
Werebear: 2x more damage from poison and poison based spells. Poisons with canis root, belladonna, or wolf’s bane deal 3x damage.
Werebear: Immune to disease and disease based abilities and damage.
Stamina Regeneration: 2 per turn
Base: 1
Werebear: +1
Magicka Regeneration: 1 per turn
Combat and Non-Combat Skills
Combat Skills: Two Handed (Apprentice), Heavy Armor (Apprentice), One Handed (Apprentice)
Non-Combat Skills: Smithing (Apprentice)
Combat Skills
Two Handed
Fight True!: You fight to prevent yourself from being stunned, feared or anything of a similar nature or to break free from such an event. You would roll a d20 on a table and if it is greater than 14, you are successful. Each tier gets a +1 to that roll. (Novice) (2 Stamina) (+1)
Intercede: You step between an adjacent ally and take a blow meant for them upon yourself. Damage beyond one point per level is dealt to the ally unless it is dodged. However you would take all status-effects resulting from the attack. (Novice) (2 Stamina) (1 Point)
No Escape!: When a foe attempts to move out of your melee range, you deliver a fast strike, halting their movement. This deals 1 damage of damage, and reduces the foe’s movement by 10 feet per level of the ability (Novice) (2 Stamina) (1 Damage and -10 Movement Speed)
Cleave: After striking a foe with your weapon, you follow it up and attack an adjacent foe, dealing damage equal to the level of the ability. The target cannot be the same one as the original target. (Apprentice) (3 stamina, 2 damage)
Dead Man Walking: As a free action, mark any enemy within line of sight for death. The marked enemy suffers +2 damage from your melee or ranged attacks with it ending at +5 for Master, and must expend an additional point of stamina to avoid being detected by them. A new enemy can only be marked when the previously marked enemy has died or left the battle. (Apprentice) (3 stamina, +2 damage)
One Handed
Fight True!: You fight to prevent yourself from being stunned, feared or anything of a similar nature or to break free from such an event. You would roll a d20 on a table and if it is greater than 14, you are successful. Each tier gets a +1 to that roll. (Novice) (2 Stamina) (+1)
No Escape!: When a foe attempts to move out of your melee range, you deliver a fast strike, halting their movement. This deals 1 damage of damage, and reduces the foe’s movement by 10 feet per level of the ability (Novice) (2 Stamina) (1 Damage and -10 Movement Speed)
Parry: You block your opponent's attack then counter attack in the same turn doing damage equal to that level. However you cannot block an attack more then one level higher then the level of your Parry. (Novice) (2 Stamina)
Dual Strike: You strike the same target twice as a single action. This deals basic damage twice plus 1 additional damage per level. However it leaves you open to damage, causing dodges and blocks to cost an additional point of stamina next turn. (Apprentice) (3 Stamina) ([3*2 + 2] Damage, Dodges and Blocks cost +1)
Wounded Fury: As an action, deal damage equal to your level. If you are at or below half health (not counting temporary health), deal an additional point of damage per skill level starting +3 damage and maxing out at +7 at the highest level. (Apprentice) (3 Stamina) (+4 damage)
Werebear Form
Name: Mother Bell
Total Health: 27
Base Health: 12
+3 (Steel Armor)
+2 (Orsimer)
+10 Werebear
Total Stamina: 18
Base Stamina: 12
+6 Werebear
Total Magicka: 1
Base Magicka: 2
-1 (Steel Armor)
Damage Resistance: 2 point reduction
Basic Skills
Dark Metamorphosis: Transforming takes one full turn to perform and you cannot attack in the same turn you’ve transformed. The heart for any werebeast transforms first, meaning vast amounts of pain in the chest when transforming. It’s not a fun thing to go through. But it isn’t all pain and no gain. Werebeasts gain 6 points extra health and stamina, and take 1 point of reduced damage from all physical attacks in their werebeast form.
Beastial Strength: In werebeast form gain Adept Unarmed skill level, or plus 1 tier of unarmed skill level if already adept or above in unarmed. Your attacks are strong enough to throw foes back up to 2 spaces away.
Bloodlust: Werecreatures will have a constant bloodlust which must be resisted in human form. They can learn to live with this bloodlust and have it in the backgrounds of their minds eventually. But it will always be there, and always wants to hunt. However gorging yourself on the flesh of a fresh victim in beast form will restore 2 health per turn.
Beast Allies: Animals of that were’s type might not attack your character, and may hunt with the werecreature if they are so inclined to. As a standard action a werecreature can attempt to call a beast of its type to aid it in battle assuming such creatures naturally exist in area at 25% success rate (Roll 1d4). The summoned creature will count as a pet companion controlled by you.
Enhanced Stamina: Werebeasts restore an additional 1 point of stamina per turn in werewolf and humanoid form.
Weakness to Silver: Werecreatures have a horrible weakness to silver in both their forms, much as vampires do. Werebeasts take 2x more damage from silver weaponry.
Weakness to Poison: Poison is deadly to werecreatures and will effect them twice as much as an ordinary person. In both forms. Werebeasts take 2x more damage from poison and poison based spells. Poisons with canis root, belladonna, or wolf’s bane deal 3x damage instead of 2x damage. Poison damage ignores defense bonuses gained from werebeast passives.
No Restful Sleep: Werecreatures hold the spirit of a beast within themselves. They are never alone, and their sleep is constantly restless due to this. Again, the werecreature may learn to live with this, but it is not something that goes away.
Animal Dectection: Animals will be able to tell that the person is a werecreature and will act strangely around them. Be careful being in towns or cities, as their curse may be detected if someone realizes why all the animals are suddenly acting strangely around you. There are exceptions to this based on the type of werecreature you are.
Immunity to Disease: Werebeasts are cursed forevermore by Hircine’s taint. They are immune to disease and disease based abilities and damage.
Nature's Wrath: Werebeasts are susceptible to nature spells designed to halt or control werebeasts. These spells can be resisted, but the danger is always present.
Steel Armor (apprentice) - increases max health by 3 & decreases max magicka by 1
Orcish Warhammer modified with a spear tip
Orcish Sword
Orcish Dagger
1 pound of Jerkied Meat
40 feet of rope
Camping Gear
Learning (Starting mm/dd/yy - Ending mm/dd/yy)
Two Handed Intercede(novice-> apprentice): 6/16/23 - 7/30/23
Body Shape: She’s blessed in the chest with a frame that is lean but muscular. This gives her curves but not enough to say she has child bearing hips.
Eyes: Glowing Ruby (how you can tell she’s a vampire other than her extremely pale skin.)
Hair: Silver often kept in a half up bun
Rank: Recruit
Role: Her part in the group on a mission is preferred to be on the front line, blocking those that aren’t as strong as she is. But she’s versatile and will be where she needs to be except for the healer role. With some magical help she can be a scout.
Personality: Laya has many sides to her, to a stranger she’s very business oriented and won’t speak much unless she deems it necessary. This is to keep her emotions hidden behind a wall to keep from being hurt. If you’re lucky enough to be on friendly terms or one of her loved ones she’ll kick back and joke around. This all depends on how much her barrier has been chipped away from person to person. However neither is immune to her snarky mouth, particular when she is agitated. She also unfortunately from time to time has an altmer attitude due to well she’s an altmer, this can come off as arrogant and stubborn. Her stubbornness can get her into a lot of trouble.
Health: 8 +4 (Bloodline bonus)
Stamina: 8 +2 (Armor Bonus)
(+2 Regin to Stamina)
Magicka: 10 +2 (Racial Bonus)
(+2 Regin to Magicka.)
Martial Adept
Swordsmanship ~ Adept: Able to deal adept level damage to target with a sword
Mounted Combat ~ Adept: This allows for fighting while astride a mount.
Daggers ~ Expert: Able to deal apprentice level damage with dagger, including when thrown.
Hand to Hand ~ Expert: Able to deal apprentice level damage with a fist or kick
Sneak ~ Expert: Able to get in and out of places undetected
Stealth ~ Expert: Able to follow without making a sound.
Spell Book
Entomb ~ Adept: You encase a creature in ice, immobilizing them for a duration. They take 5 points of frost damage per turn until ice is broken or spell ends. The creature can spend 4 points of stamina to escape
Wall of Ice ~ Apprentice: Summon a 1 foot thick wall of ice within a range of 120ft that can last for 10 minutes. You can summon either a hemispherical dome with a radius of up to 10 feet or a 10ft by 10ft sheet of ice. When a Wall of ice is summoned and cuts through a creature’s space, it will simply push the creature out of the way.
Ice Storm ~ Apprentice: A hail of rock hard ice pounds the ground in a 20 ft radius, 40 ft high cylinder centered on a point within range. Range is about 300 ft. The storm’s area of effect can cause difficult terrain to occur until your next turn
Ice Lance ~ Apprentice: Fires a sharpened projectile made of ice towards target within range, slowing them and dealing damage. End target must be in line of sight
Frost Rune ~ Apprentice: a small chunk of ice shoots from the hand to desired area within line of sight creating a trap. If a target passes too close or steps on the rune, the rune explodes dealing apprentice level frost damage
Ice Needles - Apprentice - Roll 1-7 that number is what will be how many needles you summon and throw at the target, the needles last for three turns before melting
Snowbolt - Novice - Forms a bolt of ice and hurls it towards a target. Deals a cold/kinetic damage depending where the target is hit.
Flame Blade - Novice - Size: 3ft. - Duration: 2 turns after the casting turn a 3-foot-long, blazing beam of red-hot fire springs forth from your hand. You wield this blade-like beam as if it were a scimitar. It does no damage to the caster when wielded. The target(s) hit by the blade take [novice level] fire damage.
Ice Dagger ~ Novice: Create an icy dagger you can throw and deals 1 frost damage and 1 stamina damage
Alteration ~ Novice
Alter Self ~ Novice: You assume a different form. When you cast the spell, choose one of the following options, the effects of which last for the duration of the spell. While the spell lasts, you can end one option as an action to gain the benefits of a different one. Duration: 1 hour.
Aquatic Adaptation: You adapt your body to an aquatic environment, sprouting gills and growing webbing between your fingers. You can breathe underwater and gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
Change Appearance: You transform your appearance. You decide what you look like, including your height, weight, facial features, sound of your voice, hair length, coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if any. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your statistics change. You also can't appear as a creature of a different size than you, and your basic shape stays the same; if you're bipedal, you can't use this spell to become quadrupedal, for instance. At any time for the duration of the spell, you can use your action to change your appearance in this way again.
Natural Weapons: You grow claws, fangs, spines, horns, or a different natural weapon of your choice.
Nature Magic ~ Novice
Speak with Animals ~ Novice: Gain the ability to speak and understand animals for the duration of the spell. The knowledge and awareness of animals is limited by their intelligence, and so too are they limited in the information they may provide or what may be asked of them.
Horsemanship ~ Adept: This covers anything to do with horses outside of combat from capturing, taming and training
Sewing ~ Expert: She can make her own clothing, just don’t ask her to make armor.
Vampire Bloodline: Quarra
Languages Spoken: Aldmeris and Common Tongue
Can wear light, medium and heavy armor
Can grab a shield.
Loves to Read and has pretty handwriting
Can set up for hosting a high class party
Personal Items:
Boiled Leather armor so that it is harder but still light. This armor is black with white highlighting that hugs tightly to her frame but allows for flexibility of movement. Matching Hood with a steel Mask.
Leather belt that allows for three small throwing daggers to be strapped within easy reach on her right hip and a small pouch on her left hip more towards her back to carry four to six spare vials of blood and her money. Also allows for a dagger to be strapped horizontally in the small of her back.
The Bane of Dragonhold: Sword made by Svat'u. It is a little shorter than a longsword. This way she can wield it with one hand and adapt for her height and balance. The blade is very thin and sharp black coated steel where the hilt is molded from dwarven steel. This makes the swings a little more controllable.
Body Type: Well blessed in the chest with a narrow frame that is lean but muscular.
Eyes: Emerald
Hair: Auburn
Key identifying marks: Fawn antlers on her forehead and a dragon tattoo that circles her entire torso
Personality: Dredsa is usually carefree and outgoing. Sometimes appearing air headed due to her wonder at the world. She chooses to focus on the positives of the world rather than focus on the meanness of it.
Rank: Recruit
Role: Healer/support
RP Hooks: Cooking, Dancing, Mischief making, Thieving.
Themes: Maturity while maintaining her childlike ways
Stats: Health ~ 6
Stamina ~ 6 (+ 2 for being a bosmer) = 8
Magicka ~ 14
Racial perk: Forest Folk (gain 1 extra movement in forests.)
Gear: Usually in a leather outfit with a lot of skin revealed. Armor not in her gear bag yet.
Skills and Abilities:
Nature Magick:
Attune Form ~ Novice+: Purge the body of a creature (animals included) of all negative (natural) effects up to the level cst!
Heal Animal ~ Novice+: heals an animal depending on the tier: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
Awaken ~ Adept: Awaken a tree to fight for you. It has 18 health and 6 stamina. It deals 5 physical damage when it attacks. Lasts for the duration or until it’s destroyed.
Climbing Tree ~ Adept: At your call, a tree snakes up from the earth. In seconds growing to a maximum of 50ft. Branches are spaced perfect for climbing. Can only grow in soft ground and cannot be animated.
Cloudburst ~ Apprentice: You cause clouds to gather and a heavy rain to fall. The rain reduces visibility ranges to half, extinguishes flames and reduces audio detecting abilities.
Camouflage ~ Apprentice: Like a chameleon you change the colors of your skin to match the environment. The coloration changes to match the background if you move but takes one turn to do so.
Entangling Staff ~ Apprentice: You cause your staff to extrude writhing vines that allow you to easily grab and entrap foes.
Wall of thorns ~ Apprentice: You create a wall of thorns and deal 3 damage to all who try and move through it. It costs all of a creature’s remaining movement to move through it.
Brambles ~ Novice: Infuse a weapon with harden thorns, giving it an extra 1 physical damage per hit for the duration.
Calm Animals ~ Novice: Your spell soothes animals around you, making them docile for the duration. Animals can resist it.
Dispel Fog ~ Novice: You make normal or magical fog immediately disperse.
Entangle ~ Novice: Grow grass and vines to reduce movement. All within the affected area have their movement halved, rounded down for the duration.
Fog Cloud ~ Novice: You create a dense fog that hinders sight. The creatures within are obscured, reducing stamina cost of dodge attacks to 0, but they cannot see.
Speak with Animals ~ Novice: You gain the ability to speak with animals. The animals’ intelligence does not change.
Trip Vine ~ Novice: causes plants within the area to grow together to form a tangle. Costs 1 stamina to move through.
Whip of Thorns ~ Novice: Grow a small vine with thorns covering them. You can attack a creature up to two spaces away. This whip deals 1 poison damage.
Electric Loop ~ Novice: You create a current within a creature you touch, stunning them for 1 turn.
Electric Jolt ~ Novice: You create a small spark that deals 1 shock damage to a create you touch.
Flare ~ Novice: You create a burst of light that leaves the enemy stunned and blinded for 1 turn.
Spare the Dying ~ Novice: Save the creature from bleeding out
Healer’s Sight ~ Novice: The caster can see the organs, veins and arteries of a living creature they see. Also allows the healer to exploit the weakness of an enemy.
Cure Wounds ~ Novice+: You heal a creature for the level of caster
Ease Pain ~ Novice: Relieves lingering pain from the target, but does not heal. Does not neutralize any new pain after the spell is cast..
Vigor ~ Apprentice: A creature within range gains 2 health per turn which can be halted by taking fire or acid damage
Stabilize ~ Apprentice: You prevent a creature from dying around you. This does not heal but it does prevent death
Daze ~ Novice: You cloud the mind of a humanoid creature on the verge of death, stunning them for a turn
Comprehend Languages ~ Novice: You gain the ability to understand common languages. This does not allow you to understand rare and/or coded languages
Appraising Touch ~ Novice: Upon touching an item, yo immediately know the value of said item
Sending ~ Apprentice: You can send a short 25 word message to a creature you are familiar with. The creature hears the message in it’s mind, recognizes you as the sender if it knows you, and can answer in a like manner immediately. This can be used across any distance in the same plane.
Nature: Speak with Animals(Novice)-Able to talk to Animals, Woodwisp Arrow(Novice)- Can shoot through wood
Werewolf Skills:
Dark Metamorphosis
Transforming takes one full turn to perform and you cannot attack in the same turn you’ve transformed. The heart for any werebeast transforms first, meaning vast amounts of pain in the chest when transforming. It’s not a fun thing to go through. But it isn’t all pain and no gain. Werebeasts gain 6 points extra health and stamina, and take 1 point of reduced damage from all physical attacks in their werebeast form.
Bestial Strength
In werebeast form gain Adept Unarmed skill level, or plus 1 tier of unarmed skill level if already adept or above in unarmed. Your attacks are strong enough to throw foes back up to 2 spaces away.
Werecreatures will have a constant bloodlust which must be resisted in human form. They can learn to live with this bloodlust and have it in the backgrounds of their minds eventually. But it will always be there, and always wants to hunt. However gorging yourself on the flesh of a fresh victim in beast form will restore 2 health per turn.
Beast Allies
Animals of that were’s type might not attack your character, and may hunt with the werecreature if they are so inclined to. As a standard action a werecreature can attempt to call a beast of its type to aid it in battle assuming such creatures naturally exist in area at 25% success rate (Roll 1d4). The summoned creature will count as a pet companion controlled by you.
Enhanced Stamina
Werebeasts restore an additional 1 point of stamina per turn in werewolf and humanoid form.
Weakness to Silver
Werecreatures have a horrible weakness to silver in both their forms, much as vampires do. Werebeasts take 2x more damage from silver weaponry.
-You are a wolf hidden among sheep. Animals will not be able to detect that you are a werewolf in mortal form.
-Enhanced smell akin to a scent hound. This can help you track your prey but is by no means pinpoint accurate. Distinct smells within 30 ft become more acute.
(Note: Quarra passive bull's strength increases damage by 2 and allows holding two-handed weapons in one hand. The extra damage is not included in the damage amount stated for the abilities listed below.)
Unarmed -Apprentice
Base Damage: 5 (Apprentice +2 from Quarra)
Novice (Cost 2)
Jump Them!: You attempt to tackle a foe, knocking them prone and grappling them at the same time. The initial attack deals damage equal to the level of the ability, and the foe must expend stamina to the cost to normally dodge or block to escape the grapple/prone. You may deal damage to the target each turn equal to your unarmed skill until they break the hold. (1 damage initial, 3 damage/turn after)
Bash: You bash your enemy with the hilt of your weapon, your shield or even your fists, causing the target to take a bit of damage and be off balance for a single turn, causing all attacks against the target to be increased by one for that round. The amount of damage caused by the bash itself depends on the level of the skill (1 damage)
Serrated Edge: As an action, deal damage equal to the ability level. This attack causes the target to Bleed, suffering an additional 2 damage for 1 turn per ability level. (1 damage, 1 turn of bleed)
Apprentice (Cost 3)
Two-handed -Novice
Novice (Cost 2)
Leg Sweep: You sweep the leg and knock the target prone, causing damage and causing the foe to lose their turn. (1 damage)
Spell List:
Necromancy -Apprentice
Novice (Cost 2)
Dance of Ruin(Action, self, 20ft around caster, instant) The caster performs a small dance that spreads necrotic energy to their surroundings, dealing 1 necrotic damage.
Black Lungs(action, touch, 1 creature, 1 hour) The creature's lungs fill with black ooze, reducing movement to 1. The target also receives an additional 1 damage from all sources.
Raise Undead(Action, 25 feet, corpses, 5 minutes) Caster can raise one corpse at novice level. Bodies must be available. Petty soul gem required.
Apprentice (Cost 3)
Conjuration - Novice
Novice (Cost 2)
Conjure Daedrat(action, next to caster) Conjures a daedrat. Rot's daedrat looks particularly haggard and is named 'Fish'. ('summon fish')Conjure Fiendroth(action, next to caster) Conjures a fiendroth. Rot's fiendroth is named 'Fish'. ('scuttle fish')
Vampire Stuff:
(see 'Vampire and Werewolf Guide' for more information)
Basic Traits
Immortal(No aging! Also sterile.)Vampiric Appearance(It is obvious to those that look upon her that she is an abomination)Hunter's Senses(sense general heartbeats within 30ft)Night Eye(see in natural darkness)Weakness to Fire(2x damage from fire)Weakness to Silver(2x damage from silver)Weakness to the Divine(2x damage from divine; can only be healed by alchemy, necromancy, and practical medicine)Immune to Disease(Take no disease-based damage)Immune to Poison(Wholly immune to poison and poison based spells, aside from poisons of fire damage which deal 2x their magnitude in damage)Breathless(The dead have no need to breathe. Useful, but a possible giveaway that she is dead.)Tireless(+3 stamina)Necromancer's Tool(Undead affecting spells from Necromancy may also work on a vampire.)Bloodlust(Always thirsty for blood, a hunger that never ceases and can never be sated, only dulled for a time.)
Imperial: +2 health, 'Voice of Cyrodiil' (All allies gain +1 damage for 2 turns, usable 1/day)
Cloth Armor: +3 Magicka and +1 magicka regen/turn.
Expert Magicka Skill: +2 to magicka
Initiate Rank: +5 attribute points to allocate.
Movement: 3
Combat and Non-Combat Skills:
Combat Skills
Two-Handed (Staff):Apprentice
One-Handed (Dagger): Novice
Nature Magic:Expert
Non-Combat Skills
Weapons Skills:
Two-Handed (Staff) - Apprentice
(Optionally when using damaging martial melee ability, spend stamina to increase damage, maximum +2/+2)
Novice (Cost 2)
Maintain Momentum - When dodging an enemy melee attack, strike back at the enemy simultaneously, dealing 1 damage.
Firm Stance - As a free action, take a firm stance. This prevents you from being staggered, knocked down, lifted, or grappled for 2 turns.
Lunge - You can move an additional amount of space equal to half your movement rounded down, then make a strike, dealing damage equal to the level you used this ability. This is useful for closing distance (action)
Apprentice (Cost 3)
One-Handed (Dagger) - Novice
(Optionally reduce damage of damaging martial melee abilities by 1 in exchange for -1 stamina cost. Minimum 1 stamina cost)
Novice (Cost 2)
Lunge - You can move an additional amount of space equal to half your movement rounded down, then make a strike, dealing damage equal to the level you used this ability. This is useful for closing distance (action)
Spell Lists:
Nature Magic - Expert
Novice (cost 2)
Spore Field(Action, 100ft, 10ft radius spread, 1 minute) You cause the ground to become this with spore-ridden fungus. The spores prevent running and render a creature sickened for 1 round.
Speak with Animals(Action, self, self, 1 minute) You gain the ability to speak with animals. The animal's intelligence does not change.
Predator's Cry(Action, self, 4 spaces around caster, 2 turns) You cause all animals in range to run in fear for the duration. All those affected by fear can only use their action to dash, doubling their movement.
Naturewatch(Action, self, 20ft radius from caster, 1 minute) You can determine the condition of plants and animals. Also allows the caster to know if plants are dehydrated or animals malnourished and other issues.
Goodberry(Action, touch, instant) You create a berry that acts as a full day of nourishment. This also heals 1 health in combat to all creatures. This spell does not affect undead and vampires.
Entangle(Action, 400ft, 40ft radius, 1 minute) Grow grass and vines to reduce movement. All within the affected area have their movement halved, rounded down for the duration.
Endure Elements(Action, touch, 1 creature, 1 day) You bless a creature with the ability to withstand the elements. Does not negate damage done by the environment, just the temperature.
Easy Trail (Action, 40ft, 40ft radius, 1 hour) You radiate an energy that gently pushes plants aside. Anyone in the area of the spell (including you) finds the undergrowth held aside while they pass and hiding the trail after.
Druidcraft(Action, self, self, instant) You can create a harmless sensory effect, make a flower bloom, predict the weather in the area for the next 24 hours, or light/snuff out candles, torches, or small campfires.
Detect Animals or Plants(Self, action, 1 plant or animal, 10min) You can locate a particular plant or animal within range. You must have knowledge of the animal/plant in order for this spell to work.
Charm Animal(Action, 25ft, 1 animal, 1 hour) You charm an animal, making it friendly towards you. It can help you but will not fight for you.
Calm Animals(Action, self, 3 spaces around caster, 1 minute) Your spell soothes animals around you, making them docile for the duration. Animals can resist it.
Blockade(Action, touch, some plant matter, 2 turns) You grow a small bit of plant matter to fill a space. That space can be up to six feet tall and six feet wide. The plant matter remains after the spell ends but can be manipulated.
Animal Messenger(Action, 25ft, 1 tiny animal, 1 day) You compel a tiny animal to carry a message to an ally you designate. They cannot speak, but they can carry a letter or piece of paper.
Wood Shape(Action, touch, 10 cu. ft. of wood, instant) Wood Shape enables you to form one existing piece of wood into any shape that suits your purpose.
Apprentice (cost 3)
Adept (cost 4)
Expert (cost 5)
Necromancy -Adept
Novice (cost 2)
Black Lungs(Action, touch, 1 creature, 1 hour) The creature's lungs fill with black ooze, reducing movement to 1. The target also receives an additional 1 damage from all sources.
Cause Fear(Action 25ft, 1 creature, 2 turns) Causes the target to be struck with fear, forcing them to use their movement and action to get away from the subject of their fears.
Chill Touch(Action, touch, 1 creature, instant) The target takes 1 point of necrotic damage, and they deal 1 damage less from their next melee attack ('Lich Slap')
Death Armor(Action, self, melee range, 2 turns) The caster surrounds themself with crackling necrotic energy. All creatures within melee range take 1 necrotic damage per turn.
Deathwatch (Action, self, sight, 10min) The caster can sense the energy of those on the brink of death. This helps identify those that are hanging onto life by a thread.
Decomposition(Action, 50ft, 1 creature, 2 rounds) The target is hexed. Every wound they sustain festers and rots, which causes them to take an additional 1 point of damage. If the creature dies, their body rapidly decomposes.
Doom(Action, 100ft, 1 living creature, 1 minute) The target becomes fearful of a coming doom. For the duration, the target cannot use their action.
Spare the Dying(Action, touch, 1 creature, instant) Save the creature from bleeding out.
Raise Undead(Action, 25ft, Corpse, 5minutes) Caster can raise one corpse at novice level. Bodies must be available. Petty soul gem required.
Apprentice (cost 3)
Adept (cost 4)
Restoration - Apprentice
Novice (cost 2)
Conduit of Life(Action, self, self, 10 minutes) You plant a seed of healing within yourself, granting you regeneration of 1 health per turn for the duration.
Disrupt Undead(Action, 30ft, 1 undead creature, Instant) Target undead is paralyzed for 1 turn
Ease Pain(Action, touch, 1 creature, instant) Relieves lingering pain from the target. This does not heal. Any new pain caused after you cast this spell will not be neutralized. Must be recast if new pain is introduced.
Purify Food and Drink(Action, 20ft radius, AoE food and drink, Instant) You purge food and drink of anything that could harm a creature within the radius of the caster.
Healer's Sight(action, self, self, 10min) The caster can see the organs, veins, and arteries of a living creature they see. This not only helps a healer, giving an additional 1 health every time they do heal, but also allows the caster to exploit the weaknesses of the creature and deal 1 extra damage from all sources.
Apprentice (cost 3)
Cloth Armor (+3 magicka, +1 magicka regen)
Mask resembling a bird skull
Staff (Fungal-themed. Enchanted: Flame Strike; 3 charges; requires common soul gem to recharge)
Dagger (silver)
Belt Pouch - Containers (3x small containers with holes in the lids containing bugs, 1 of foraged foods)
Belt Pouch - Potions (contains 1x apprentice magicka potion, 1x adept health potion, 1 slot empty)
Belt Pouch - Reagents (assorted reagents and tools for the field, 1 common soul gem, 1 lesser soul gem, 1 petty soul gem)
Internal Pockets (in cloth armor) - Coin Purse, satchel of tea, small notebook with charcoal pen, makeup compact.
Learning Log
Combat:Spider Climb (Apprentice Nature Magic) - Start 7/4/2023, End 7/18/2023Non-Combat:
Animal Handling (Apprentice to Adept) - Start 5/29/2023, End 7/24/2023.
Body Type: Somewhat short, his body toned and well trained by a life in the marsh.
Hair: A pair of dark brown fins, with a stripe of feathers on head. With small spines leading up to his muzzle.
Eyes: Deep orange to amber with slitted pupils.
Languages: Jel, Cyrodiilic with occasional accent/patterns.
Appearance: Scales of dark browns and greys, with a series of scutes running down his back. An old, red dyed pattern covers large parts of his muzzle. Traditional argonian armour and weapons, darkened and dirtied by the road and habit.When not in armour, tends to be mostly light cloth in shades of green or brown.
Personality: Is slow to trust, and slow warm to people. Preferring to watch and size things up, to get a better feeling for someone before trying. He tends to let others lead in social situations, but is learning how things work by watching.
Tries to keep his feelings in check, secretly fearing it might trigger a change.Once he has warmed to someone he’ll see no issue in offering his help wherever he can. He holds no debts when he does someone a favour, viewing it as how life should be.
Body Type: Svelte but strong, with broad shoulders. A swimmer's body
Hair: Thin spines that rake back over his skull; he lacks horns
Eyes: Darker yellow-orange
Languages: A smattering of Jel, Ta'agra, Dunmeris and Cyrodiilic
Tall and lanky, with broad shoulders and thin arms and legs. His clothing is very Argonian in style, decorative out of nature, but utilitarian for practicality's sake. Thickly scaled, with striped markings and a brightly painted mark on his forehead, he doesn't necessarily stand out from other Argonians aside from being tall, and having his nose-brow pierced.
A bit of an asshole, in short. He's defensive and careful with what he says, protective of himself and his friend, and has a bit of a proud streak. He doesn't see himself as any sort of hero, more like a guy just trying to get by, and would in fact call himself more of a rogue and a not-so-good-doer. Still, he takes pride in what work he does, and his relationships, and even sends his parents home some surplus money every so often. If he wasn't so mediocre at off-the-cuff planning, he could probably become a pretty good snake oil salesman, but he does have a soft spot for reading and is better at magic than melee.
Base Health: 11 Base Stamina: 4 Base Magicka: 11 Base Movement: 3Total Health: 12 Total Stamina: 6 Total Magicka: 13 Total Movement: 3
Stamina Regeneration: 2 per turn Magicka Regeneration: 1 per turn
Bosmer - +2 to stamina and Forest Folk (gain 1 extra movement in forests).
-Increased capability to sneak. Deal 1 point of extra damage when attacking from stealth and move 2 spaces farther per turn when sneaking-Possess more keen hunters sense and can pinpoint track heart beats senses within 30 ft-Takes 1 point of damage per every turn exposed to sunlight.
Stamina Regeneration: 2 per turn
Magicka Regeneration: 1 per turn
Combat and Non-Combat Skills:
Combat Skills: One handed (Expert), Throwing weapons (Apprentice), Illusion (apprentice)
Form a multi colored ray that strikes the target, Cause blindness for 1 turn unless negated. The caster is rendered invisible to the targets eyes if they are hit.
Stuns enemies infront of the caster, can also cause blindness or knock out. Roll a 1d40 to determine the affect.
2 or less: target suffers no ill affects
3: target is blind for 1 round.
4. target is blinded AND stunned
Phantasmal assailantsCast time: 1 action, range: 25 ft Duration: instant
Create Phantasmal images of nightmare creatures in the targets mind. If target resists, No affect. If they don't, Phantasms will strike causing 2 physical damage.
Create a spell of absolutely nothingness. Taking the targets senses of smell, taste, touch, hearing, and sight.
Mirror image (Greater)
Casting time: 1 action Range: personal Duration: 3 turnsCreate 4 duplicates of yourself into being. Create 1 additional image each round after the first turn, up to eight images. if all are destroyed the spell ends.
One hand (Expert)
Power Stance (Adept) - You deal extra damage equal to the level you used this for your next attack (FREE ACTION)
Dueling Stance (Adept) - You can counterattack the next melee attack made at you, dealing damage equal to the level you used (FREE ACTION)
Sundering Strike (Apprentice) - You deal damage based on the level you used this and the target takes extra damage from all sources based on the level you cast this, from novice to master: 2 (ACTION) This bonus lasts until the target is hit with an attack.
Lunge (Adept) - You can move an additional amount of space equal to half your movement rounded down, then make a strike, dealing damage equal to the level you used this ability. This is useful for closing distance. (ACTION)
Crippling Blow (Novice) - You deal damage equal to the level you used the ability and the target's speed is halved for X amount of turns equal to the level you cast it: 1 (ACTION)
Stagger (Novice) - As an action, strike an enemy with such force that they are staggered, dealing 1 damage and rendering them only able to either use their action or reaction for 2 turns.
Wide Swing (Apprentice) - As an action, swing your weapon(s) in a circle around you, dealing 3 damage to all enemies within melee range.
Wild Charge (Novice) - If you have moved at least three quarters of your maximum movement in a straight line, use a free action to deal 1 damage to a target in front of you and knock them down. If the target blocks this attack, instead stagger them for 1 turns
Firm Stance (Adept)- As a free action, take a firm stance. This prevents you from being staggered, knocked down, lifted, or grappled, for 4 turns.
Opportunistic Stance (Expert) - As a free action, prepare to exploit enemy movement. If an enemy attempts to leave your melee range before your next turn, automatically deal 7 damage to them. This can only affect one enemy, and only lasts until your next turn, before the ability must be reused.
Draining Strike (Apprentice) - As an action, strike an enemy for 3 damage. The strike can be calibrated to cause maximum disorientation or exhaustion; therefore, the damage this ability deals can be distributed between the target’s stamina, magicka, and health as you see fit, with a minimum of 1 health damage.
Maintain Momentum (Expert) - When dodging an enemy melee attack, strike back at the enemy simultaneously, dealing 7 damage.
Passive: Targeting the same enemy with single-target martial melee abilities on consecutive turns increases damage by 20% on the first turn, and 40% on subsequent turns (rounded off).
Active: Once per day, a character can enter Assassin mode, doubling their movement speed, rendering them immune to any movement-impairing effects, and increasing damage dealt with all single-target martial melee abilities by 50% (rounded off). This mode lasts for 3 turns.
Assassin Abilities
Deep Wound: As an action, deal 5/7/9 damage. Additionally, the health, stamina, and magicka damage of any poisons on your weapon is increased by 20/30/40% (rounded off) for a minimum of +1, or for multiple-turn damaging effects, the duration is increased by 1/2/3 turns.
Leather Armor increases max stamina by 2 & increases stamina regen by 1
Voice of Cyrodiil (all allies gain +1 to damage they deal for 2 turns and can only be used once a day).
-Total Health- 9
+2 Imperial
-Total Magicka- 11
+2 Fur Armor
-Total Stamina- 10 - (+1 Regen)
+1 Regen (Fur Armor)
Learning |
Conjuration - Adept
Unarmed - Adept
1 Handed - Adept
Light Armor - Adept
Throwing Weapons - Apprentice
Polearms - Apprentice
Shields - Novice
Marksmanship - Novice
Duel-Wielding - Novice
2 Handed - Novice
Learning | None
Pickpocketing - Adept
Lockpick - Adept
Instant Summons
Quill Blast
Bound Halberd
Bound Glaive
Bound Scythe
Storm of Needles
Bound Dagger
Bound Sword
Bound Spear
Gem Bomb
Armor - Fur (Light)
+1 Stamina Regen
+2 Magicka
Dagger - Iron
Utility Pouch Bandolier
A bandolier with 3x pouches on it.
Sloan's Ship
Sloan owns a pirate ship. It has a main deck, a secondary partial deck to the rear and two masts. Inside there is a captains cabin, a galley, two main storage areas, a brig, crew quarters and weapons storage. There are also a few smuggling compartments hidden.
There are two mini-catapults on either side of the ship about midway down the hull.
Equipment: Several throwing knives, porcelain mask, two healing potions, one magicka potion.
Currently learning: Changed Huntsman form (7/6/23)Accuracy (you touch a thrown or projectile based weapon to enchance the accuracy. This makes the attacks done by this weapon cost 1 extra STA to evade or block. 2 turns, touch) 07/06/23
Spell List
Novice (Conjuration)
Benign Transposition
Level: Novice
Casting Time: Instant
Range: 2 willing creatures within 50 ft of each other
Target two willing creatures. Instantly change their positions.
Bound Dagger
Level: NoviceCasting Time: Instant
Range: Self
Duration: 5 minutes
Creates an ethereal daedric dagger. Deals damage equal to your skill in the weapon.
Mock Character Sheet: Tim Timmy Tom
Total Health: 15
Base Health: 10
+3 (Steel Armor)
+2 (Imperial)
Total Stamina: 10
Base Stamina: 10
Total Magicka: 5
Base Magicka: 6
-1 (Steel Armor)
Racial Bonuses: Imperial (+2 to health and Voice of Cyrodiil)
Voice of Cyrodiil: all allies gain +1 to damage they deal for 2 turns and can only be used once a day
Stamina Regeneration: 1 per turn
Magicka Regeneration: 1 per turn
Combat and Non-Combat Skills:
Combat Skills: Destruction (apprentice), One Handed (novice), Heavy Armor (apprentice)
Non-Combat Skills: Acrobatics (novice)
Spell List:
Learning (Starting mm/dd/yy - Ending mm/dd/yy)
One Handed (novice -> apprentice): 9/23/22 - 10/14/22
Caspar "Adra" Ka'ai(WIP)
Basic Information
Age: 24
Race: Dunmer, Formerly of House Redoran
Gender: Female
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 170 lbs
Build: Toned, Lithe, Acrobatic
Occupation: Budding cat burglar/assassin
Total Health: 8
Base Health: 8
Velothi Heritage: -1 Damage from fire
Total Stamina: 17
Total Magicka: 6
Combat Skill:
Too Close! > Adept (1/8/24 - 2/5/24)
Non Combat Skill:
Acrobatics > Adept (1/22/24 - 3/4/24)
(WIP)Demien "Dem" Scrapstone
Basic Information
Age: 32
Race: Redguard-Breton/Arabian Red Werewolf
Sex: Female Hair: Light Brown-Auburn
Eyes: Ochre Honey, intensifying to a near-glowing pale gold when her wolf threatens to take hold
Height: 6'9"
Weight: 240 lbs
Build: Densely Muscular, built like a linebacker
Occupation: Former career soldier
Total Health: 12
Total Stamina: 18
Total Magicka: 1
Combat Skill:
(One-Handed) Parry > Adept (
Non-Combat Skill:
Medium Armor > Adept (
Aedrienne "Aedrie" Rayne
Basic Information
Age: 28
Race: Breton
Sex: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 110 lbs
Build: Slight dancer's build
Occupation: Good!
Deities: Mephala, Sheogorath, Clavicus Vile
Magic Style: Dolothurgy
Total Health: 8
Total Stamina: 4
Total Magicka: 18
Fur Armor
Short Spear
Hooded cloak
Stinky Copy of Sheogorath, His Madness, and His Cheese, Signed by Sheogorath, Haskil, and...Luna? Smelly eternally of a strong, pungent cheese.
Creaky Replica Chair: An identical replica of a chair from Aedrie's childhood home which perished in a fire
Room Key #392
Combat Skill:
Absorb Spell > Expert (1/13/24 - 3/9/24)
Non-Combat Skill:
Acrobatics > Adept (1/6/24 - 2/17/24)
Cenwe "Quincy" Crynzras
Basic Information
Age: 3442 Years Old
Race: Falmer/Snow Elf
Sex: Male
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 100 lbs
Occupation: Mala's Assistant (Falmer Ambassador and Former Falmer Noble Courtesan/Scribe/Butler)
Stats and Racial Features
Total Health: 5
Base Health: 5
Total Stamina: 7
Base Stamina: 5
+2 (Initiate Rank)
Stamina Regeneration: 1 per turn
Total Magicka: 24
Base Magicka: 16
+2 (Falmer Ancestory)
+3 (Cloth Armor)
+1 (Mysticism Adept)
+3 (Initiate Rank)
Magicka Regeneration: 2 per turn
Base Regen: 1
Cloth Armor: +1
Racial Bonuses: Falmer (+2 to magicka and Frozen Sanctuary)
Frozen Sanctuary: (reduce physical damage taken from human races by 1)
Combat and Non-Combat Skills
Combat Skills: Mysticism (Adept), Destruction (Apprentice), Alteration (Apprentice), Restoration (Apprentice), Light Armor (Novice)
Non-Combat Skills: Enchanting (Apprentice), Alchemy (Novice), Speechcraft (Apprentice)
Spell List
Cloth Armor
Book Bag of Holding
Enchanted Fountain Pen
Many, Many Books
Electrum Apprentice Mystic Gem Enchanted Earring
Electrum Apprentice Mystic Gem Enchanted Earring
+1 HP Each Turn you recieve healing
+1 Duration and -1 Cost of Mysticism Spells
+1 Cost to Cast non Mysticism Spells
Enchantment: Once per event Telepatic Aura - (20 minutes Duration | 100 ft radius around caster | Self | Action) - You can telepathically communicate with allies within the range of the spell. This is a one way communication, so creature won't be able to respond.
Combat Skill: Prying Eyes (Adept Level Mysticism Spell) - (06/29/2023 - 07/27/2023)
Non Combat Skill: Speechcraft (Apprentice - Adept) - (06/29/2023 - 07/27/2023)
Demlas al-Rihad
Redguard, 26 years old.
Slimmer and slightly taller (6'1, 185 cm) than most Redguards.
Total Health: 14
Base Health: 14
Total Stamina: 15
Base Stamina: 11
+2 (Redguard)
+2 (Leather armour)
Total Magicka: 1
Base Magicka: 1
Racial Bonus: Redguards +2 to stamina and Yokudan Descent (reduces the cost to dodge or block by 2 for 2 turns and can only be used once a day).
Stamina Regeneration: 2 per turn
Base: 1
+1 leather armour
Magicka Regeneration: 1 per turn
Combat and Non-Combat Skills:
Combat Skills: One-handed (Apprentice), Unarmed (Novice), Marksmanship (Novice).
Non-Combat Skills: Stealth (Novice), Cooking (Novice), Speechcraft (Novice).
Martial Abilities:
Serrated Edge: As an action, deal damage equal to the ability level. This attack causes the target to Bleed, suffering an additional 2 damage for 1 turn per ability level. (One-Handed, Two-Handed, Unarmed) (Novice)
Leg Sweep: You sweep the leg and knock the target prone, causing damage and causing the foe to lose their turn. (All Skills) (Novice)
Bash: You bash your enemy with the hilt of your weapon, your shield or even your fists, causing the target to take a bit of damage and be off balance for a single turn, causing all attacks against the target to be increased by one for that round. The amount of damage caused by the bash itself depends on the level of the skill (All Skills) (Novice)
No Quarter!: When a foe attempts to withdraw from battle and is within your line of sight, you fire a fast strike to halt their movement. This deals 1 point of damage and reduces the foe’s movement by 10 feet per level of the ability (Marksman, Throwing) (Novice)
Assassin's Shot:
Leather Armour (Novice): Increases Max Stamina by & Stamina Regeneration by 1.
Scimitar (one-handed).
Small crossbow and a few basic, mundane bolts which he keeps in a small leather pouch attached to his belt (Marksmanship).
A small backpack.
40 feet of rope.
A couple of torches.
A tinderbox.
A waterskin made of goat skin, filled with water.
Metal flask filled with oil.
1 company coin.
Learning (Starting mm/dd/yy - Ending mm/dd/yy)
Exploiting Shot (Novice): (07/07/2023) - (07/14/2023)
Lockpicking (Novice): 07/07/2023) - (07/14/2023)
Maormer Werecroc
Health: Mer form: 12 / Were-form: 20
Base: 12
Werecroc: +2 in werecroc form.
Were-creature: +6 when transformed
Stamina: Mer form: 15 / Were-form: 23
Magicka: 3
Stamina: 3/turn
Base: 1/turn
Were-creature: +1/turn
Armor: +1/turn (Leather armor)
Magicka: 1/turn
Movement: 3 (4 when wet)
Racial: +1 when wet (Maormer)
Racial and Other Bonuses
Racial: Maormer (+1 stamina, +1 magicka, Sea Pirates [+1 movement when wet, operate a ship without training)
Were-creature: +1 stamina regen, +8 health in werecroc form, +8 stamina in were-croc form. (+6 health and stamina from base werecreature, +2 health and stamina from werecroc)
Armor: Leather (+2 stamina, +1 stamina regeneration)
Jewelry: Circlet (Copper Circlet of the Apprentice Pugilist; -1 cost to end stagger effect, +1 duration and -1 cost to unarmed martial abilities, +1 cost of non-unarmed martial abilities)
Combat and Non-Combat skills:
Combat Skills
Unarmed: Apprentice
One-handed: Novice
Nature Magic: Apprentice
Non-Combat Skills
Martial Skills:
Unarmed: Apprentice (Adept when transformed)
Novice (Cost 1)
Leg Sweep: You sweep the leg and knock the target prone, causing damage and the foe to lose their turn.
No Escape!: When a foe attempts to move out of your melee range, you deliver a fast strike, halting their movement. This deals one physical damage and reduces the foe's movement by 10 feet per level of the ability.
Dual Strike: You strike the same target twice as a single action. This deals basic damage twice plus 1 additional damage per level. However, it leaves you open to attacks, causing your ability to dodge and block cost an additional point of stamina for one turn.
Apprentice (Cost 2)
One-Handed: Novice
Novice (Cost 3)
No Escape!: When a foe attempts to move out of your melee range, you deliver a fast strike, halting their movement. This deals 1 point of damage, and reduces the foe’s movement by 10 feet per level of the ability
Nature Magic - Apprentice
Novice (Cost 2)
Beastmask (action, touch, 1 creature, 5minutes) Grants the creatre a nature blessing. All natural animals are calm around them for the duration. They still will defend themselves if necessary.
Create Water (action, 25ft, 5ft cube, 1 turn) You condense water from the air to generate clean drinking water. You can choose where the water will condense and can manipulate it for a turn.
Druidcraft (action, self, self, instant) You can create a harmless sensory effect, make a flower bloom, predict the weather in the area for the next 24 hours, or light or snuff out candles/torches/small campfires.
Apprentice (Cost 3)
Werecreature Details
Suthrys refers to the were-croc as Ametrine or Amet due to her purple and gold eyes. SutAmet is the transformed RP name of the transformed state, though sometimes it will simply be Amet or Ametrine when the croc is in more control than Suthrys.
More information about werecreatures can be found in the appropriate thread.
Base Werecreature
Dark Metamorphosis - Transforming takes one full turn, and is extremely painful. They gain 6 points of additional health and stamina in beast form, as well as +1/turn stamina regeneration.
Bestial Strength - When transformed, gain Adept unarmed skill, or +1 tier of unarmed skill if Adept or greater. Additionally, attacks may knock foes back 2 spaces.
Bloodlust - Were-creatures must always contend with a bloodlust and the endless desire to hunt. This can be resisted and controlled with practise. Gorging on a fresh victim in beast form restores 2 points of health.
Beast Allies - Animals of the were's type may not attack the were, and they may hunt with them if they are so inclined. Additionally, a werecreature may attempt to call a beast of their type to assist them in battle if the area would naturally have such creatures. There is a 25% chance of success, and the called creature acts as a pet controlled by you.
Enhanced Stamina - Restore an additional point of stamina in both were-beast and base form.
Weakness to Silver - Werecreatures suffer a horrible weakness to silver, taking 2x damage from silver in both forms.
Weakness to Poison - Poison is deadly to werecreatures and will effect them twice as much as an ordinary person. In both forms. Werebeasts take 2x more damage from poison and poison based spells. Poisons with canis root, belladonna, or wolf’s bane deal 3x damage instead of 2x damage. Poison damage ignores defense bonuses gained from werebeast passives. (cancelled by Were-croc creature type)
No Restful Sleep - Werecreatures hold the spirit of a beast within themselves. They are never alone, and their sleep is constantly restless due to this. Again, the werecreature may learn to live with this, but it is not something that goes away.
Animal Detection - Animals will be able to tell that the person is a werecreature and will act strangely around them. Be careful being in towns or cities, as their curse may be detected if someone realizes why all the animals are suddenly acting strangely around you.
Immunity to Disease - Werebeasts are cursed forevermore by Hircine’s taint. They are immune to disease and disease based abilities and damage.
Nature's Wrath - Werebeasts are susceptible to nature spells designed to halt or control werebeasts. These spells can be resisted, but the danger is always present.
Boat: The Enchanted Beryl - A fishing/house boat that Suthrys lives on. It is small enough she is able to operate it alone. It can ferry a few passengers (but not large amounts of cargo). It is outfitted with the basics of what is needed for Suthrys to live on and fish off of it. It also contains her enchanting and jeweler's tools.
Leather Armor (+2 stamina, +1 stamina regen; Lycanthropic Enchantment)
Circlet with gem (Copper Circlet of the Apprentice Pugilist; -1 cost to end stagger effect, +1 duration and -1 cost to unarmed martial abilities, +1 cost of non-unarmed martial abilities)
Cutlass (mundane, steel)
Dagger (mundane, steel)
Belt Pouches: 2 apprentice health potions, 1 petty soul gem, jeweler's lens, spyglass
Learning Log
Control Current (Apprentice Nature Magic) Start 6/26/2023, End 7/10/2023
Jeweler (Apprentice to Adept) Start 6/26/2023, End 8/7/2023
Age: 25
Race: Redguard
Sex: Female
Height: 6'9"
Weight: 255 lbs
Occupation: Mercenary
Total Health: 8
Base Health: 8
Total Stamina: 12
Base Stamina: 10
Redguard: +2 Stamina
Total Magicka: 10
Base Magicka: 8
Cloth Armor: +2 Magicka
Racial Bonuses: Redguard (+2 to stamina and Yokudan Descent)
Yokudan Descent: reduces the cost to dodge or block by 2 for 2 turns (Can only be used once a day).
Werelion: Move 1 extra space per turn
Werelion: 2x damage from silver weaponry.
Werelion: 2x more damage from poison and poison based spells. Poisons with canis root, belladonna, or wolf’s bane deal 3x damage.
Werelion: Immune to disease and disease based abilities and damage.
Werelion: 50% fall damage reduction
Stamina Regeneration: 3 per turn
Base: 1
Werelion: +1
Cloth Armor: +1
Magicka Regeneration: 1 per turn
Combat and Non-Combat Skills
Combat Skills: Unarmed (Apprentice), Light Armor (Apprentice), Destruction (Apprentice)
Non-Combat Skills: Cooking (Apprentice), Speech Craft (Apprentice)
Novice - 2 stamina, 1 damage
Apprentice - 3 stamina, 3 damage
Combat Skills
Unarmed Skills
Leg Sweep: You sweep the leg and knock the target prone, causing damage and causing the foe to lose their turn. (Novice) (2 Stamina, 1 Damage)
Wounded Fury: As an action, deal damage equal to your level. If you are at or below half health (not counting temporary health), deal an additional point of damage per skill level starting +3 damage and maxing out at +7 at the highest level. (Novice) (2 Stamina, 1+3 Damage)
Cloak and Dagger: You attack a foe that is unaware of your presence, dealing your basic attack damage +1 per level of skill. At adept level and higher it also causes a target to be staggered for one turn. (Novice) (2 Stamina, 1+1 Damage)
Bash: You bash your enemy with the hilt of your weapon, your shield or even your fists, causing the target to take a bit of damage and be off balance for a single turn, causing all attacks against the target to be increased by one for that round. The amount of damage caused by the bash itself depends on the level of the skill. (Novice) (2 Stamina)
Jump them!: You attempt to tackle a foe, knocking them prone and grappling them at the same time. The initial attack deals damage equal to the level of the ability, and the foe must expend stamina to the cost to normally dodge or block to escape the grapple/prone. You may deal damage to the target each turn equal to your unarmed skill until they break the hold. (Apprentice) (3 Stamina, 2 Damage)
Parry: You block your opponent's attack then counter attack in the same turn doing damage equal to that level. However you cannot block an attack more then one level higher then the level of your Parry. (Apprentice) (3 Stamina, 2 Damage Up to Adept Attacks)
Spell List
Work in progress
Werebear Form
Name: Lioness
Total Health: 14
Base Health: 8
Werelion: +6 Health
Total Stamina: 18
Base Stamina: 10
Redguard: +2 Stamina
Werelion: +6 Stamina
Total Magicka: 10
Base Magicka: 8
Cloth Armor: +2 Magicka
Werelion: Move 2 extra space per turn
Damage Resistance: 1 point reduction to physical damage
Basic Skills
Dark Metamorphosis: Transforming takes one full turn to perform and you cannot attack in the same turn you’ve transformed. The heart for any werebeast transforms first, meaning vast amounts of pain in the chest when transforming. It’s not a fun thing to go through. But it isn’t all pain and no gain. Werebeasts gain 6 points extra health and stamina, and take 1 point of reduced damage from all physical attacks in their werebeast form.
Beastial Strength: In werebeast form gain Adept Unarmed skill level, or plus 1 tier of unarmed skill level if already adept or above in unarmed. Your attacks are strong enough to throw foes back up to 2 spaces away.
Bloodlust: Werecreatures will have a constant bloodlust which must be resisted in human form. They can learn to live with this bloodlust and have it in the backgrounds of their minds eventually. But it will always be there, and always wants to hunt. However gorging yourself on the flesh of a fresh victim in beast form will restore 2 health per turn.
Beast Allies: Animals of that were’s type might not attack your character, and may hunt with the werecreature if they are so inclined to. As a standard action a werecreature can attempt to call a beast of its type to aid it in battle assuming such creatures naturally exist in area at 25% success rate (Roll 1d4). The summoned creature will count as a pet companion controlled by you.
Enhanced Stamina: Werebeasts restore an additional 1 point of stamina per turn in werewolf and humanoid form.
Weakness to Silver: Werecreatures have a horrible weakness to silver in both their forms, much as vampires do. Werebeasts take 2x more damage from silver weaponry.
Weakness to Poison: Poison is deadly to werecreatures and will effect them twice as much as an ordinary person. In both forms. Werebeasts take 2x more damage from poison and poison based spells. Poisons with canis root, belladonna, or wolf’s bane deal 3x damage instead of 2x damage. Poison damage ignores defense bonuses gained from werebeast passives.
No Restful Sleep: Werecreatures hold the spirit of a beast within themselves. They are never alone, and their sleep is constantly restless due to this. Again, the werecreature may learn to live with this, but it is not something that goes away.
Animal Dectection: Animals will be able to tell that the person is a werecreature and will act strangely around them. Be careful being in towns or cities, as their curse may be detected if someone realizes why all the animals are suddenly acting strangely around you. There are exceptions to this based on the type of werecreature you are.
Immunity to Disease: Werebeasts are cursed forevermore by Hircine’s taint. They are immune to disease and disease based abilities and damage.
Nature's Wrath: Werebeasts are susceptible to nature spells designed to halt or control werebeasts. These spells can be resisted, but the danger is always present.
Fur Armor (novice) - increases stamina regeneration by 1 & increases max magicka by 2
4 sets of fine clothes
Metal Water Flash
Hair Comb and Pick
Cooking Supplies
Journal and Ink Pen
Camping Gear
Learning (Starting mm/dd/yy - Ending mm/dd/yy)
Unarmed Wounded Fury (novice-> apprentice): 6/16/23 - 7/30/23
Speechcraft (apprentice -> adept): 6/16/23 - 7/14/23
Age: 24
Race: Orsimer
Sex: Female
Height: 7'6"
Weight: 350 lbs
Occupation: Mercenary
Total Health: 17
Base Health: 12
+3 (Steel Armor)
+2 (Orsimer)
Total Stamina: 12
Base Stamina: 12
Total Magicka: 1
Base Magicka: 2
-1 (Steel Armor)
Racial Bonuses: Orismer (+2 to health and Promised of Malacath)
Promised of Malacath: reduce all damage taken by 2 for 2 turns. (Can only be used once a day)
Werebear: -1 point of Damage from all Sources
Werebear: 2x damage from silver weaponry.
Werebear: 2x more damage from poison and poison based spells. Poisons with canis root, belladonna, or wolf’s bane deal 3x damage.
Werebear: Immune to disease and disease based abilities and damage.
Stamina Regeneration: 2 per turn
Base: 1
Werebear: +1
Magicka Regeneration: 1 per turn
Combat and Non-Combat Skills
Combat Skills: Two Handed (Apprentice), Heavy Armor (Apprentice), One Handed (Apprentice)
Non-Combat Skills: Smithing (Apprentice)
Combat Skills
Two Handed
Fight True!: You fight to prevent yourself from being stunned, feared or anything of a similar nature or to break free from such an event. You would roll a d20 on a table and if it is greater than 14, you are successful. Each tier gets a +1 to that roll. (Novice) (2 Stamina) (+1)
Intercede: You step between an adjacent ally and take a blow meant for them upon yourself. Damage beyond one point per level is dealt to the ally unless it is dodged. However you would take all status-effects resulting from the attack. (Novice) (2 Stamina) (1 Point)
No Escape!: When a foe attempts to move out of your melee range, you deliver a fast strike, halting their movement. This deals 1 damage of damage, and reduces the foe’s movement by 10 feet per level of the ability (Novice) (2 Stamina) (1 Damage and -10 Movement Speed)
Cleave: After striking a foe with your weapon, you follow it up and attack an adjacent foe, dealing damage equal to the level of the ability. The target cannot be the same one as the original target. (Apprentice) (3 stamina, 2 damage)
Dead Man Walking: As a free action, mark any enemy within line of sight for death. The marked enemy suffers +2 damage from your melee or ranged attacks with it ending at +5 for Master, and must expend an additional point of stamina to avoid being detected by them. A new enemy can only be marked when the previously marked enemy has died or left the battle. (Apprentice) (3 stamina, +2 damage)
One Handed
Fight True!: You fight to prevent yourself from being stunned, feared or anything of a similar nature or to break free from such an event. You would roll a d20 on a table and if it is greater than 14, you are successful. Each tier gets a +1 to that roll. (Novice) (2 Stamina) (+1)
No Escape!: When a foe attempts to move out of your melee range, you deliver a fast strike, halting their movement. This deals 1 damage of damage, and reduces the foe’s movement by 10 feet per level of the ability (Novice) (2 Stamina) (1 Damage and -10 Movement Speed)
Parry: You block your opponent's attack then counter attack in the same turn doing damage equal to that level. However you cannot block an attack more then one level higher then the level of your Parry. (Novice) (2 Stamina)
Dual Strike: You strike the same target twice as a single action. This deals basic damage twice plus 1 additional damage per level. However it leaves you open to damage, causing dodges and blocks to cost an additional point of stamina next turn. (Apprentice) (3 Stamina) ([3*2 + 2] Damage, Dodges and Blocks cost +1)
Wounded Fury: As an action, deal damage equal to your level. If you are at or below half health (not counting temporary health), deal an additional point of damage per skill level starting +3 damage and maxing out at +7 at the highest level. (Apprentice) (3 Stamina) (+4 damage)
Werebear Form
Name: Mother Bell
Total Health: 27
Base Health: 12
+3 (Steel Armor)
+2 (Orsimer)
+10 Werebear
Total Stamina: 18
Base Stamina: 12
+6 Werebear
Total Magicka: 1
Base Magicka: 2
-1 (Steel Armor)
Damage Resistance: 2 point reduction
Basic Skills
Dark Metamorphosis: Transforming takes one full turn to perform and you cannot attack in the same turn you’ve transformed. The heart for any werebeast transforms first, meaning vast amounts of pain in the chest when transforming. It’s not a fun thing to go through. But it isn’t all pain and no gain. Werebeasts gain 6 points extra health and stamina, and take 1 point of reduced damage from all physical attacks in their werebeast form.
Beastial Strength: In werebeast form gain Adept Unarmed skill level, or plus 1 tier of unarmed skill level if already adept or above in unarmed. Your attacks are strong enough to throw foes back up to 2 spaces away.
Bloodlust: Werecreatures will have a constant bloodlust which must be resisted in human form. They can learn to live with this bloodlust and have it in the backgrounds of their minds eventually. But it will always be there, and always wants to hunt. However gorging yourself on the flesh of a fresh victim in beast form will restore 2 health per turn.
Beast Allies: Animals of that were’s type might not attack your character, and may hunt with the werecreature if they are so inclined to. As a standard action a werecreature can attempt to call a beast of its type to aid it in battle assuming such creatures naturally exist in area at 25% success rate (Roll 1d4). The summoned creature will count as a pet companion controlled by you.
Enhanced Stamina: Werebeasts restore an additional 1 point of stamina per turn in werewolf and humanoid form.
Weakness to Silver: Werecreatures have a horrible weakness to silver in both their forms, much as vampires do. Werebeasts take 2x more damage from silver weaponry.
Weakness to Poison: Poison is deadly to werecreatures and will effect them twice as much as an ordinary person. In both forms. Werebeasts take 2x more damage from poison and poison based spells. Poisons with canis root, belladonna, or wolf’s bane deal 3x damage instead of 2x damage. Poison damage ignores defense bonuses gained from werebeast passives.
No Restful Sleep: Werecreatures hold the spirit of a beast within themselves. They are never alone, and their sleep is constantly restless due to this. Again, the werecreature may learn to live with this, but it is not something that goes away.
Animal Dectection: Animals will be able to tell that the person is a werecreature and will act strangely around them. Be careful being in towns or cities, as their curse may be detected if someone realizes why all the animals are suddenly acting strangely around you. There are exceptions to this based on the type of werecreature you are.
Immunity to Disease: Werebeasts are cursed forevermore by Hircine’s taint. They are immune to disease and disease based abilities and damage.
Nature's Wrath: Werebeasts are susceptible to nature spells designed to halt or control werebeasts. These spells can be resisted, but the danger is always present.
Steel Armor (apprentice) - increases max health by 3 & decreases max magicka by 1
Orcish Warhammer modified with a spear tip
Orcish Sword
Orcish Dagger
1 pound of Jerkied Meat
40 feet of rope
Camping Gear
Learning (Starting mm/dd/yy - Ending mm/dd/yy)
Two Handed Intercede (novice-> apprentice): 6/16/23 - 7/30/23
Smithing (apprentice -> adept): 6/16/23 - 7/14/23
Name: Elayashna “Laya” Cirara Aelonkeander
Age: 36
Race: Altmer Vampire
Height: 7 ft even (barefooted)
Weight: 300lbs
Body Shape: She’s blessed in the chest with a frame that is lean but muscular. This gives her curves but not enough to say she has child bearing hips.
Eyes: Glowing Ruby (how you can tell she’s a vampire other than her extremely pale skin.)
Hair: Silver often kept in a half up bun
Rank: Recruit
Role: Her part in the group on a mission is preferred to be on the front line, blocking those that aren’t as strong as she is. But she’s versatile and will be where she needs to be except for the healer role. With some magical help she can be a scout.
Personality: Laya has many sides to her, to a stranger she’s very business oriented and won’t speak much unless she deems it necessary. This is to keep her emotions hidden behind a wall to keep from being hurt. If you’re lucky enough to be on friendly terms or one of her loved ones she’ll kick back and joke around. This all depends on how much her barrier has been chipped away from person to person. However neither is immune to her snarky mouth, particular when she is agitated. She also unfortunately from time to time has an altmer attitude due to well she’s an altmer, this can come off as arrogant and stubborn. Her stubbornness can get her into a lot of trouble.
Health: 8 +4 (Bloodline bonus)
Stamina: 8 +2 (Armor Bonus)
(+2 Regin to Stamina)
Magicka: 10 +2 (Racial Bonus)
(+2 Regin to Magicka.)
Martial Adept
Swordsmanship ~ Adept: Able to deal adept level damage to target with a sword
Mounted Combat ~ Adept: This allows for fighting while astride a mount.
Daggers ~ Expert: Able to deal apprentice level damage with dagger, including when thrown.
Hand to Hand ~ Expert: Able to deal apprentice level damage with a fist or kick
Sneak ~ Expert: Able to get in and out of places undetected
Stealth ~ Expert: Able to follow without making a sound.
Spell Book
Entomb ~ Adept: You encase a creature in ice, immobilizing them for a duration. They take 5 points of frost damage per turn until ice is broken or spell ends. The creature can spend 4 points of stamina to escape
Wall of Ice ~ Apprentice: Summon a 1 foot thick wall of ice within a range of 120ft that can last for 10 minutes. You can summon either a hemispherical dome with a radius of up to 10 feet or a 10ft by 10ft sheet of ice. When a Wall of ice is summoned and cuts through a creature’s space, it will simply push the creature out of the way.
Ice Storm ~ Apprentice: A hail of rock hard ice pounds the ground in a 20 ft radius, 40 ft high cylinder centered on a point within range. Range is about 300 ft. The storm’s area of effect can cause difficult terrain to occur until your next turn
Ice Lance ~ Apprentice: Fires a sharpened projectile made of ice towards target within range, slowing them and dealing damage. End target must be in line of sight
Frost Rune ~ Apprentice: a small chunk of ice shoots from the hand to desired area within line of sight creating a trap. If a target passes too close or steps on the rune, the rune explodes dealing apprentice level frost damage
Ice Needles - Apprentice - Roll 1-7 that number is what will be how many needles you summon and throw at the target, the needles last for three turns before melting
Snowbolt - Novice - Forms a bolt of ice and hurls it towards a target. Deals a cold/kinetic damage depending where the target is hit.
Flame Blade - Novice - Size: 3ft. - Duration: 2 turns after the casting turn a 3-foot-long, blazing beam of red-hot fire springs forth from your hand. You wield this blade-like beam as if it were a scimitar. It does no damage to the caster when wielded. The target(s) hit by the blade take [novice level] fire damage.
Ice Dagger ~ Novice: Create an icy dagger you can throw and deals 1 frost damage and 1 stamina damage
Alteration ~ Novice
Alter Self ~ Novice: You assume a different form. When you cast the spell, choose one of the following options, the effects of which last for the duration of the spell. While the spell lasts, you can end one option as an action to gain the benefits of a different one. Duration: 1 hour.
Aquatic Adaptation: You adapt your body to an aquatic environment, sprouting gills and growing webbing between your fingers. You can breathe underwater and gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
Change Appearance: You transform your appearance. You decide what you look like, including your height, weight, facial features, sound of your voice, hair length, coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if any. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your statistics change. You also can't appear as a creature of a different size than you, and your basic shape stays the same; if you're bipedal, you can't use this spell to become quadrupedal, for instance. At any time for the duration of the spell, you can use your action to change your appearance in this way again.
Natural Weapons: You grow claws, fangs, spines, horns, or a different natural weapon of your choice.
Nature Magic ~ Novice
Speak with Animals ~ Novice: Gain the ability to speak and understand animals for the duration of the spell. The knowledge and awareness of animals is limited by their intelligence, and so too are they limited in the information they may provide or what may be asked of them.
Horsemanship ~ Adept: This covers anything to do with horses outside of combat from capturing, taming and training
Sewing ~ Expert: She can make her own clothing, just don’t ask her to make armor.
Vampire Bloodline: Quarra
Languages Spoken: Aldmeris and Common Tongue
Can wear light, medium and heavy armor
Can grab a shield.
Loves to Read and has pretty handwriting
Can set up for hosting a high class party
Personal Items:
Boiled Leather armor so that it is harder but still light. This armor is black with white highlighting that hugs tightly to her frame but allows for flexibility of movement. Matching Hood with a steel Mask.
Leather belt that allows for three small throwing daggers to be strapped within easy reach on her right hip and a small pouch on her left hip more towards her back to carry four to six spare vials of blood and her money. Also allows for a dagger to be strapped horizontally in the small of her back.
The Bane of Dragonhold: Sword made by Svat'u. It is a little shorter than a longsword. This way she can wield it with one hand and adapt for her height and balance. The blade is very thin and sharp black coated steel where the hilt is molded from dwarven steel. This makes the swings a little more controllable.
Name: Dredsa Willowhallow
Age: 21
Race: Bosmer
Height: 4ft 4 in
Weight: 120lbs (soaking wet)
Body Type: Well blessed in the chest with a narrow frame that is lean but muscular.
Eyes: Emerald
Hair: Auburn
Key identifying marks: Fawn antlers on her forehead and a dragon tattoo that circles her entire torso
Personality: Dredsa is usually carefree and outgoing. Sometimes appearing air headed due to her wonder at the world. She chooses to focus on the positives of the world rather than focus on the meanness of it.
Rank: Recruit
Role: Healer/support
RP Hooks: Cooking, Dancing, Mischief making, Thieving.
Themes: Maturity while maintaining her childlike ways
Stats: Health ~ 6
Stamina ~ 6 (+ 2 for being a bosmer) = 8
Magicka ~ 14
Racial perk: Forest Folk (gain 1 extra movement in forests.)
Gear: Usually in a leather outfit with a lot of skin revealed. Armor not in her gear bag yet.
Skills and Abilities:
Nature Magick:
Attune Form ~ Novice+: Purge the body of a creature (animals included) of all negative (natural) effects up to the level cst!
Heal Animal ~ Novice+: heals an animal depending on the tier: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
Awaken ~ Adept: Awaken a tree to fight for you. It has 18 health and 6 stamina. It deals 5 physical damage when it attacks. Lasts for the duration or until it’s destroyed.
Climbing Tree ~ Adept: At your call, a tree snakes up from the earth. In seconds growing to a maximum of 50ft. Branches are spaced perfect for climbing. Can only grow in soft ground and cannot be animated.
Cloudburst ~ Apprentice: You cause clouds to gather and a heavy rain to fall. The rain reduces visibility ranges to half, extinguishes flames and reduces audio detecting abilities.
Camouflage ~ Apprentice: Like a chameleon you change the colors of your skin to match the environment. The coloration changes to match the background if you move but takes one turn to do so.
Entangling Staff ~ Apprentice: You cause your staff to extrude writhing vines that allow you to easily grab and entrap foes.
Wall of thorns ~ Apprentice: You create a wall of thorns and deal 3 damage to all who try and move through it. It costs all of a creature’s remaining movement to move through it.
Brambles ~ Novice: Infuse a weapon with harden thorns, giving it an extra 1 physical damage per hit for the duration.
Calm Animals ~ Novice: Your spell soothes animals around you, making them docile for the duration. Animals can resist it.
Dispel Fog ~ Novice: You make normal or magical fog immediately disperse.
Entangle ~ Novice: Grow grass and vines to reduce movement. All within the affected area have their movement halved, rounded down for the duration.
Fog Cloud ~ Novice: You create a dense fog that hinders sight. The creatures within are obscured, reducing stamina cost of dodge attacks to 0, but they cannot see.
Speak with Animals ~ Novice: You gain the ability to speak with animals. The animals’ intelligence does not change.
Trip Vine ~ Novice: causes plants within the area to grow together to form a tangle. Costs 1 stamina to move through.
Whip of Thorns ~ Novice: Grow a small vine with thorns covering them. You can attack a creature up to two spaces away. This whip deals 1 poison damage.
Electric Loop ~ Novice: You create a current within a creature you touch, stunning them for 1 turn.
Electric Jolt ~ Novice: You create a small spark that deals 1 shock damage to a create you touch.
Flare ~ Novice: You create a burst of light that leaves the enemy stunned and blinded for 1 turn.
Spare the Dying ~ Novice: Save the creature from bleeding out
Healer’s Sight ~ Novice: The caster can see the organs, veins and arteries of a living creature they see. Also allows the healer to exploit the weakness of an enemy.
Cure Wounds ~ Novice+: You heal a creature for the level of caster
Ease Pain ~ Novice: Relieves lingering pain from the target, but does not heal. Does not neutralize any new pain after the spell is cast..
Vigor ~ Apprentice: A creature within range gains 2 health per turn which can be halted by taking fire or acid damage
Stabilize ~ Apprentice: You prevent a creature from dying around you. This does not heal but it does prevent death
Daze ~ Novice: You cloud the mind of a humanoid creature on the verge of death, stunning them for a turn
Comprehend Languages ~ Novice: You gain the ability to understand common languages. This does not allow you to understand rare and/or coded languages
Appraising Touch ~ Novice: Upon touching an item, yo immediately know the value of said item
Sending ~ Apprentice: You can send a short 25 word message to a creature you are familiar with. The creature hears the message in it’s mind, recognizes you as the sender if it knows you, and can answer in a like manner immediately. This can be used across any distance in the same plane.
Martial Skill:
Staff ~ Apprentice
Daggers ~ Apprentice
Dancing ~ Expert
Stealth ~ Expert
Thieving ~ Expert
Name: Do’ri
Health: 10 + 2
Stamina: 10
Magica: 6
Race Bonuses (Khajiit): Night Eye (Can see in the Dark) Stamina +2
Combat Skills: Archery (Adept), Unarmed (Adept)
Non-combat Skills: Acrobatics ( Apprentice), Stealth (Apprentice), Speechcraft (Apprentice)
Nature: Speak with Animals(Novice)-Able to talk to Animals, Woodwisp Arrow(Novice)- Can shoot through wood
Werewolf Skills:
Dark Metamorphosis
Transforming takes one full turn to perform and you cannot attack in the same turn you’ve transformed. The heart for any werebeast transforms first, meaning vast amounts of pain in the chest when transforming. It’s not a fun thing to go through. But it isn’t all pain and no gain. Werebeasts gain 6 points extra health and stamina, and take 1 point of reduced damage from all physical attacks in their werebeast form.
Bestial Strength
In werebeast form gain Adept Unarmed skill level, or plus 1 tier of unarmed skill level if already adept or above in unarmed. Your attacks are strong enough to throw foes back up to 2 spaces away.
Werecreatures will have a constant bloodlust which must be resisted in human form. They can learn to live with this bloodlust and have it in the backgrounds of their minds eventually. But it will always be there, and always wants to hunt. However gorging yourself on the flesh of a fresh victim in beast form will restore 2 health per turn.
Beast Allies
Animals of that were’s type might not attack your character, and may hunt with the werecreature if they are so inclined to. As a standard action a werecreature can attempt to call a beast of its type to aid it in battle assuming such creatures naturally exist in area at 25% success rate (Roll 1d4). The summoned creature will count as a pet companion controlled by you.
Enhanced Stamina
Werebeasts restore an additional 1 point of stamina per turn in werewolf and humanoid form.
Weakness to Silver
Werecreatures have a horrible weakness to silver in both their forms, much as vampires do. Werebeasts take 2x more damage from silver weaponry.
-You are a wolf hidden among sheep. Animals will not be able to detect that you are a werewolf in mortal form.
-Enhanced smell akin to a scent hound. This can help you track your prey but is by no means pinpoint accurate. Distinct smells within 30 ft become more acute.
Armor: Scale
Rotting Luck 'Rot'/'Fish'
("This one thinks her name may have also been 'Fish' but is not sure.")
Health: 14
Base: 10
Vampire: +4 (Quarra)
Stamina: 17
Base: 10
Racial: +2
Vampire: +3 (Vampire trait)
Leather Armor: +2
Magicka: 6
Base: 6
Stamina: 2/turn
Leather Armor: +1/turn
Magicka: 1/turn
Movement: 3
Racial and Other bonuses:
Khajiit: +2 stamina and Night Eye (can see in the dark)
Vampire + Quarra Bloodline: +3 stamina, +4 health (More vampire details below)
Leather Armor: +2 stamina, +1 stamina regeneration
Combat and Non-Combat Skills:
Combat Skills
Dual Wielding Unarmed - Apprentice Two-handed - Novice Necromancy - Apprentice Conjuration - Novice
Non-Combat Skills
Weapons Skills:
(Note: Quarra passive bull's strength increases damage by 2 and allows holding two-handed weapons in one hand. The extra damage is not included in the damage amount stated for the abilities listed below.)
Unarmed - Apprentice
Base Damage: 5 (Apprentice +2 from Quarra)
Novice (Cost 2)
Jump Them!: You attempt to tackle a foe, knocking them prone and grappling them at the same time. The initial attack deals damage equal to the level of the ability, and the foe must expend stamina to the cost to normally dodge or block to escape the grapple/prone. You may deal damage to the target each turn equal to your unarmed skill until they break the hold. (1 damage initial, 3 damage/turn after)
Bash: You bash your enemy with the hilt of your weapon, your shield or even your fists, causing the target to take a bit of damage and be off balance for a single turn, causing all attacks against the target to be increased by one for that round. The amount of damage caused by the bash itself depends on the level of the skill (1 damage)
Serrated Edge: As an action, deal damage equal to the ability level. This attack causes the target to Bleed, suffering an additional 2 damage for 1 turn per ability level. (1 damage, 1 turn of bleed)
Apprentice (Cost 3)
Two-handed - Novice
Novice (Cost 2)
Leg Sweep: You sweep the leg and knock the target prone, causing damage and causing the foe to lose their turn. (1 damage)
Spell List:
Necromancy - Apprentice
Novice (Cost 2)
Dance of Ruin (Action, self, 20ft around caster, instant) The caster performs a small dance that spreads necrotic energy to their surroundings, dealing 1 necrotic damage.
Black Lungs (action, touch, 1 creature, 1 hour) The creature's lungs fill with black ooze, reducing movement to 1. The target also receives an additional 1 damage from all sources.
Raise Undead (Action, 25 feet, corpses, 5 minutes) Caster can raise one corpse at novice level. Bodies must be available. Petty soul gem required.
Apprentice (Cost 3)
Conjuration - Novice
Novice (Cost 2)
Conjure Daedrat (action, next to caster) Conjures a daedrat. Rot's daedrat looks particularly haggard and is named 'Fish'. ('summon fish') Conjure Fiendroth (action, next to caster) Conjures a fiendroth. Rot's fiendroth is named 'Fish'. ('scuttle fish')
Vampire Stuff:
(see 'Vampire and Werewolf Guide' for more information)
Basic Traits
Immortal (No aging! Also sterile.) Vampiric Appearance (It is obvious to those that look upon her that she is an abomination) Hunter's Senses (sense general heartbeats within 30ft) Night Eye (see in natural darkness) Weakness to Fire (2x damage from fire) Weakness to Silver (2x damage from silver) Weakness to the Divine (2x damage from divine; can only be healed by alchemy, necromancy, and practical medicine) Immune to Disease (Take no disease-based damage) Immune to Poison (Wholly immune to poison and poison based spells, aside from poisons of fire damage which deal 2x their magnitude in damage) Breathless (The dead have no need to breathe. Useful, but a possible giveaway that she is dead.) Tireless (+3 stamina) Necromancer's Tool (Undead affecting spells from Necromancy may also work on a vampire.) Bloodlust (Always thirsty for blood, a hunger that never ceases and can never be sated, only dulled for a time.)
Quarra Bloodline
Leather Armor (+2 stamina, +1 stamina regen) (worn)
Belt pouch (worn)
2 petty soul gems
1 lesser soul gem
random shiny garbage
2x blood vials
Saddlebags (on zombie horse mount, 'Fish'.)
Saddlebag 1:
Very large black hooded cloak, face-covering mask, pair of gloves.
Riding spot for companion creature, skeever named Fish.
Saddlebag 2:
Actual fish.
Consumables: (3)
2 petty soul gems
1 lesser soul gem
Company Coin: 0
Skill Tokens: 1
Learning Log:
Combat Skill:
Unarmed: Dead Man Walking (Apprentice) - Start 7/10/2023, End 7/24/2023
Non-Combat Skill:
Nada for now.
Publia Vandacia/'Witch' Mycella
(No actual witchcraft)
Total: 10
Base: 7
Racial: +2
Initiate Rank: +1
Total: 6
Base: 5
Initiate Rank: +1
Total: 22
Base: 14
Expert Magicka: +2
Cloth Armor: +3
Initiate Rank: +3
Stamina: 1/turn
Magicka: 2/turn
Base: 1/turn
Cloth Armor: +1/turn
Racial and Other Bonuses:
Imperial: +2 health, 'Voice of Cyrodiil' (All allies gain +1 damage for 2 turns, usable 1/day)
Cloth Armor: +3 Magicka and +1 magicka regen/turn.
Expert Magicka Skill: +2 to magicka
Initiate Rank: +5 attribute points to allocate.
Movement: 3
Combat and Non-Combat Skills:
Combat Skills
Two-Handed (Staff): Apprentice
One-Handed (Dagger): Novice
Nature Magic: Expert
Necromancy: Adept
Restoration: Apprentice
Non-Combat Skills
Weapons Skills:
Two-Handed (Staff) - Apprentice
(Optionally when using damaging martial melee ability, spend stamina to increase damage, maximum +2/+2)
Novice (Cost 2)
Maintain Momentum - When dodging an enemy melee attack, strike back at the enemy simultaneously, dealing 1 damage.
Firm Stance - As a free action, take a firm stance. This prevents you from being staggered, knocked down, lifted, or grappled for 2 turns.
Lunge - You can move an additional amount of space equal to half your movement rounded down, then make a strike, dealing damage equal to the level you used this ability. This is useful for closing distance (action)
Apprentice (Cost 3)
One-Handed (Dagger) - Novice
(Optionally reduce damage of damaging martial melee abilities by 1 in exchange for -1 stamina cost. Minimum 1 stamina cost)
Novice (Cost 2)
Lunge - You can move an additional amount of space equal to half your movement rounded down, then make a strike, dealing damage equal to the level you used this ability. This is useful for closing distance (action)
Spell Lists:
Nature Magic - Expert
Novice (cost 2)
Spore Field (Action, 100ft, 10ft radius spread, 1 minute) You cause the ground to become this with spore-ridden fungus. The spores prevent running and render a creature sickened for 1 round.
Speak with Animals (Action, self, self, 1 minute) You gain the ability to speak with animals. The animal's intelligence does not change.
Predator's Cry (Action, self, 4 spaces around caster, 2 turns) You cause all animals in range to run in fear for the duration. All those affected by fear can only use their action to dash, doubling their movement.
Naturewatch (Action, self, 20ft radius from caster, 1 minute) You can determine the condition of plants and animals. Also allows the caster to know if plants are dehydrated or animals malnourished and other issues.
Goodberry (Action, touch, instant) You create a berry that acts as a full day of nourishment. This also heals 1 health in combat to all creatures. This spell does not affect undead and vampires.
Entangle (Action, 400ft, 40ft radius, 1 minute) Grow grass and vines to reduce movement. All within the affected area have their movement halved, rounded down for the duration.
Endure Elements (Action, touch, 1 creature, 1 day) You bless a creature with the ability to withstand the elements. Does not negate damage done by the environment, just the temperature.
Easy Trail (Action, 40ft, 40ft radius, 1 hour) You radiate an energy that gently pushes plants aside. Anyone in the area of the spell (including you) finds the undergrowth held aside while they pass and hiding the trail after.
Druidcraft (Action, self, self, instant) You can create a harmless sensory effect, make a flower bloom, predict the weather in the area for the next 24 hours, or light/snuff out candles, torches, or small campfires.
Detect Animals or Plants (Self, action, 1 plant or animal, 10min) You can locate a particular plant or animal within range. You must have knowledge of the animal/plant in order for this spell to work.
Charm Animal (Action, 25ft, 1 animal, 1 hour) You charm an animal, making it friendly towards you. It can help you but will not fight for you.
Calm Animals (Action, self, 3 spaces around caster, 1 minute) Your spell soothes animals around you, making them docile for the duration. Animals can resist it.
Blockade (Action, touch, some plant matter, 2 turns) You grow a small bit of plant matter to fill a space. That space can be up to six feet tall and six feet wide. The plant matter remains after the spell ends but can be manipulated.
Animal Messenger (Action, 25ft, 1 tiny animal, 1 day) You compel a tiny animal to carry a message to an ally you designate. They cannot speak, but they can carry a letter or piece of paper.
Wood Shape (Action, touch, 10 cu. ft. of wood, instant) Wood Shape enables you to form one existing piece of wood into any shape that suits your purpose.
Apprentice (cost 3)
Adept (cost 4)
Expert (cost 5)
Necromancy - Adept
Novice (cost 2)
Black Lungs (Action, touch, 1 creature, 1 hour) The creature's lungs fill with black ooze, reducing movement to 1. The target also receives an additional 1 damage from all sources.
Cause Fear (Action 25ft, 1 creature, 2 turns) Causes the target to be struck with fear, forcing them to use their movement and action to get away from the subject of their fears.
Chill Touch (Action, touch, 1 creature, instant) The target takes 1 point of necrotic damage, and they deal 1 damage less from their next melee attack ('Lich Slap')
Death Armor (Action, self, melee range, 2 turns) The caster surrounds themself with crackling necrotic energy. All creatures within melee range take 1 necrotic damage per turn.
Deathwatch (Action, self, sight, 10min) The caster can sense the energy of those on the brink of death. This helps identify those that are hanging onto life by a thread.
Decomposition (Action, 50ft, 1 creature, 2 rounds) The target is hexed. Every wound they sustain festers and rots, which causes them to take an additional 1 point of damage. If the creature dies, their body rapidly decomposes.
Doom (Action, 100ft, 1 living creature, 1 minute) The target becomes fearful of a coming doom. For the duration, the target cannot use their action.
Spare the Dying (Action, touch, 1 creature, instant) Save the creature from bleeding out.
Raise Undead (Action, 25ft, Corpse, 5minutes) Caster can raise one corpse at novice level. Bodies must be available. Petty soul gem required.
Apprentice (cost 3)
Adept (cost 4)
Restoration - Apprentice
Novice (cost 2)
Conduit of Life (Action, self, self, 10 minutes) You plant a seed of healing within yourself, granting you regeneration of 1 health per turn for the duration.
Disrupt Undead (Action, 30ft, 1 undead creature, Instant) Target undead is paralyzed for 1 turn
Ease Pain (Action, touch, 1 creature, instant) Relieves lingering pain from the target. This does not heal. Any new pain caused after you cast this spell will not be neutralized. Must be recast if new pain is introduced.
Purify Food and Drink (Action, 20ft radius, AoE food and drink, Instant) You purge food and drink of anything that could harm a creature within the radius of the caster.
Healer's Sight (action, self, self, 10min) The caster can see the organs, veins, and arteries of a living creature they see. This not only helps a healer, giving an additional 1 health every time they do heal, but also allows the caster to exploit the weaknesses of the creature and deal 1 extra damage from all sources.
Apprentice (cost 3)
Cloth Armor (+3 magicka, +1 magicka regen)
Mask resembling a bird skull
Staff (Fungal-themed. Enchanted: Flame Strike; 3 charges; requires common soul gem to recharge)
Dagger (silver)
Belt Pouch - Containers (3x small containers with holes in the lids containing bugs, 1 of foraged foods)
Belt Pouch - Potions (contains 1x apprentice magicka potion, 1x adept health potion, 1 slot empty)
Belt Pouch - Reagents (assorted reagents and tools for the field, 1 common soul gem, 1 lesser soul gem, 1 petty soul gem)
Internal Pockets (in cloth armor) - Coin Purse, satchel of tea, small notebook with charcoal pen, makeup compact.
Learning Log
Combat: Spider Climb (Apprentice Nature Magic) - Start 7/4/2023, End 7/18/2023 Non-Combat:
Animal Handling (Apprentice to Adept) - Start 5/29/2023, End 7/24/2023.
Aliases: “Beans”
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Species: Saxhleel (Argonian)
Birthplace: Blackmarsh
Birthsign: The Ritual
Body Type: Somewhat short, his body toned and well trained by a life in the marsh.
Hair: A pair of dark brown fins, with a stripe of feathers on head. With small spines leading up to his muzzle.
Eyes: Deep orange to amber with slitted pupils.
Languages: Jel, Cyrodiilic with occasional accent/patterns.
Appearance: Scales of dark browns and greys, with a series of scutes running down his back. An old, red dyed pattern covers large parts of his muzzle. Traditional argonian armour and weapons, darkened and dirtied by the road and habit.When not in armour, tends to be mostly light cloth in shades of green or brown.
Personality: Is slow to trust, and slow warm to people. Preferring to watch and size things up, to get a better feeling for someone before trying. He tends to let others lead in social situations, but is learning how things work by watching.
Tries to keep his feelings in check, secretly fearing it might trigger a change. Once he has warmed to someone he’ll see no issue in offering his help wherever he can. He holds no debts when he does someone a favour, viewing it as how life should be.
Argonian [Werebear] (Explanation) Health: 10 [18] (Base 10)
Stamina: 14 [22] (Base 10+2(Argonian)+2(Leather))
Stamina Regen: 3 [3] (Base 1+1(Werebeast)+1(Leather))
Magicka: 6 [6] (Base 6)
Magicka Regen: 1 [1] (Base 1)
Movement: 3 [3] (Base 3)
Damage Reduction: 0 [1/non-physical] ([werecreature])
Martial Skills
Non-Combat Skills
Bow -> Incendiary Fire ( 8/6/23 -> 8/6/23 )
Stealth-> Adept ( 8/6/23 -> 6/7/23 )
Aliases: Xan
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Species: Saxhleel [Argonian]
Birthplace: Bal Foyen, Morrowind
Birthsign: The Warrior
Body Type: Svelte but strong, with broad shoulders. A swimmer's body
Hair: Thin spines that rake back over his skull; he lacks horns
Eyes: Darker yellow-orange
Languages: A smattering of Jel, Ta'agra, Dunmeris and Cyrodiilic
Tall and lanky, with broad shoulders and thin arms and legs. His clothing is very Argonian in style, decorative out of nature, but utilitarian for practicality's sake. Thickly scaled, with striped markings and a brightly painted mark on his forehead, he doesn't necessarily stand out from other Argonians aside from being tall, and having his nose-brow pierced.
A bit of an asshole, in short. He's defensive and careful with what he says, protective of himself and his friend, and has a bit of a proud streak. He doesn't see himself as any sort of hero, more like a guy just trying to get by, and would in fact call himself more of a rogue and a not-so-good-doer. Still, he takes pride in what work he does, and his relationships, and even sends his parents home some surplus money every so often. If he wasn't so mediocre at off-the-cuff planning, he could probably become a pretty good snake oil salesman, but he does have a soft spot for reading and is better at magic than melee.
Base Health: 11 Base Stamina: 4 Base Magicka: 11 Base Movement: 3 Total Health: 12 Total Stamina: 6 Total Magicka: 13 Total Movement: 3
Stamina Regeneration: 2 per turn Magicka Regeneration: 1 per turn
Non-Combat Skills
Martial Skills
Farenel Shdowfern
Total Health: 12
Base Health: 10
+2 (Initiate)
Total Stamina: 20
Base Stamina: 10
+3 (vampirism)
+2 (bosmer)
+3 (Initiate)
+2 (leather armor)
Total Magicka: 6
Base Magicka: 6
Racial Bonuses:
Bosmer - +2 to stamina and Forest Folk (gain 1 extra movement in forests).
-Increased capability to sneak. Deal 1 point of extra damage when attacking from stealth and move 2 spaces farther per turn when sneaking -Possess more keen hunters sense and can pinpoint track heart beats senses within 30 ft -Takes 1 point of damage per every turn exposed to sunlight.
Stamina Regeneration: 2 per turn
Magicka Regeneration: 1 per turn
Combat and Non-Combat Skills:
Combat Skills: One handed (Expert), Throwing weapons (Apprentice), Illusion (apprentice)
Non-Combat Skills: Acrobatics (Apprentice) Stealth (Expert) Alchemy (Apprentice) Pickpocket (Apprentice) Lockpick (Apprentice)
Spell List:
Blinding color surge
Range: 100ft, Duration: 2 turns
Form a multi colored ray that strikes the target, Cause blindness for 1 turn unless negated. The caster is rendered invisible to the targets eyes if they are hit.
Color Spray
Range:15ft Duration: 1 turn Cast time: 1 turn Area: Cone shaped burst
Stuns enemies infront of the caster, can also cause blindness or knock out. Roll a 1d40 to determine the affect.
2 or less: target suffers no ill affects
3: target is blind for 1 round.
4. target is blinded AND stunned
Phantasmal assailants Cast time: 1 action, range: 25 ft Duration: instant
Create Phantasmal images of nightmare creatures in the targets mind. If target resists, No affect. If they don't, Phantasms will strike causing 2 physical damage.
Sensory deprivation
Cast time: 1 action range: 100 ft target: 1 creature Duration: 3 turns
Create a spell of absolutely nothingness. Taking the targets senses of smell, taste, touch, hearing, and sight.
Mirror image (Greater)
Casting time: 1 action Range: personal Duration: 3 turns Create 4 duplicates of yourself into being. Create 1 additional image each round after the first turn, up to eight images. if all are destroyed the spell ends.
One hand (Expert)
Power Stance (Adept) - You deal extra damage equal to the level you used this for your next attack (FREE ACTION)
Dueling Stance (Adept) - You can counterattack the next melee attack made at you, dealing damage equal to the level you used (FREE ACTION)
Sundering Strike (Apprentice) - You deal damage based on the level you used this and the target takes extra damage from all sources based on the level you cast this, from novice to master: 2 (ACTION) This bonus lasts until the target is hit with an attack.
Lunge (Adept) - You can move an additional amount of space equal to half your movement rounded down, then make a strike, dealing damage equal to the level you used this ability. This is useful for closing distance. (ACTION)
Crippling Blow (Novice) - You deal damage equal to the level you used the ability and the target's speed is halved for X amount of turns equal to the level you cast it: 1 (ACTION)
Stagger (Novice) - As an action, strike an enemy with such force that they are staggered, dealing 1 damage and rendering them only able to either use their action or reaction for 2 turns.
Wide Swing (Apprentice) - As an action, swing your weapon(s) in a circle around you, dealing 3 damage to all enemies within melee range.
Wild Charge (Novice) - If you have moved at least three quarters of your maximum movement in a straight line, use a free action to deal 1 damage to a target in front of you and knock them down. If the target blocks this attack, instead stagger them for 1 turns
Firm Stance (Adept) - As a free action, take a firm stance. This prevents you from being staggered, knocked down, lifted, or grappled, for 4 turns.
Opportunistic Stance (Expert) - As a free action, prepare to exploit enemy movement. If an enemy attempts to leave your melee range before your next turn, automatically deal 7 damage to them. This can only affect one enemy, and only lasts until your next turn, before the ability must be reused.
Draining Strike (Apprentice) - As an action, strike an enemy for 3 damage. The strike can be calibrated to cause maximum disorientation or exhaustion; therefore, the damage this ability deals can be distributed between the target’s stamina, magicka, and health as you see fit, with a minimum of 1 health damage.
Maintain Momentum (Expert) - When dodging an enemy melee attack, strike back at the enemy simultaneously, dealing 7 damage.
Passive: Targeting the same enemy with single-target martial melee abilities on consecutive turns increases damage by 20% on the first turn, and 40% on subsequent turns (rounded off).
Active: Once per day, a character can enter Assassin mode, doubling their movement speed, rendering them immune to any movement-impairing effects, and increasing damage dealt with all single-target martial melee abilities by 50% (rounded off). This mode lasts for 3 turns.
Assassin Abilities
Deep Wound: As an action, deal 5/7/9 damage. Additionally, the health, stamina, and magicka damage of any poisons on your weapon is increased by 20/30/40% (rounded off) for a minimum of +1, or for multiple-turn damaging effects, the duration is increased by 1/2/3 turns.
Leather Armor increases max stamina by 2 & increases stamina regen by 1
Steel Dagger
1 health potion (apprentice
2 poisons (apprentice)
Blood vials
Race: Beton
Age: 40 Height: 5'4
Stamina regeneration: 1
Magicka regeneration: 2 (1+1)
Racial Bonus: Breton (+2 to magicka)
Racial Boon: Magna Lineage (+1 magicka regeneration each turn)
Armor Bonus: Light Armor (+3 magicka, +1 magicka regeneration)
Redacted 'Sloan' Redacted
Race - Imperial
+2 to health
Voice of Cyrodiil (all allies gain +1 to damage they deal for 2 turns and can only be used once a day).
-Total Health- 9
+2 Imperial
-Total Magicka- 11
+2 Fur Armor
-Total Stamina- 10 - (+1 Regen)
+1 Regen (Fur Armor)
Learning |
Conjuration - Adept
Unarmed - Adept
1 Handed - Adept
Light Armor - Adept
Throwing Weapons - Apprentice
Polearms - Apprentice
Shields - Novice
Marksmanship - Novice
Duel-Wielding - Novice
2 Handed - Novice
Learning | None
Pickpocketing - Adept
Lockpick - Adept
Instant Summons
Quill Blast
Bound Halberd
Bound Glaive
Bound Scythe
Storm of Needles
Bound Dagger
Bound Sword
Bound Spear
Gem Bomb
Armor - Fur (Light)
+1 Stamina Regen
+2 Magicka
Dagger - Iron
Utility Pouch Bandolier
A bandolier with 3x pouches on it.
Sloan's Ship
Sloan owns a pirate ship. It has a main deck, a secondary partial deck to the rear and two masts. Inside there is a captains cabin, a galley, two main storage areas, a brig, crew quarters and weapons storage. There are also a few smuggling compartments hidden.
There are two mini-catapults on either side of the ship about midway down the hull.
Race: Breton
Age: 27 years
Height: 5’3”
Health: 7
Stamina: 9
Magicka: 15 (2+3)
Stamina regeneration: 1
Magicka regeneration: 3 (1+1)
Racial Bonus: Breton (+2 to magicka)
Racial Boon: Magna Lineage (+1 magicka regeneration each turn)
Armor Bonus: Light Armor (+3 magicka, +1 magicka regeneration)
Light Armor
Throwing Weapons One-Hand
Equipment: Several throwing knives, porcelain mask, two healing potions, one magicka potion.
Currently learning: Changed Huntsman form (7/6/23) Accuracy (you touch a thrown or projectile based weapon to enchance the accuracy. This makes the attacks done by this weapon cost 1 extra STA to evade or block. 2 turns, touch) 07/06/23
Spell List
Novice (Conjuration)
Benign Transposition
Level: Novice
Casting Time: Instant
Range: 2 willing creatures within 50 ft of each other
Target two willing creatures. Instantly change their positions.
Bound Dagger
Level: Novice Casting Time: Instant
Range: Self
Duration: 5 minutes
Creates an ethereal daedric dagger. Deals damage equal to your skill in the weapon.
Summon Crow Daedra
Range: Summoned next to caster
Duration: Instant
Summons a crow daedra
Apprentice (Conjuration)
Adept (Conjuration)
Novice (Destruction)
Apprentice (Destruction)
Adept (Destruction)
Conjuration Summons!